
For many years the FAA has been providing approach plates in PDF versions. Getting them is a pain. There are other avenues. AOPA for example. You can log in, go to an airport, select the plates, d/l, and get them one at a time. While nice, its still a pain.

During some beta testing I was doing for GRT on there displaying of NACO non geo referenced plates, I had a need to get a bunch of plates. I also had a need to store them in a particular way and directory structure that the GRT EFIS unit could consume. When I got done with the project, I found the whole tool useful for anyone that likes to print plates or have them all on their system for quick retrieval.

First, a smart fella Doug, has built some bat files that go and get plates. You can read about what he has done here. In fact if all you need are plates by state or region. You should go to his site and use his simple smart tool. This is excellent work Doug. From what he has done, all that was reallly required was some file manipulation to get these things organized and sorted out so you could find what you needed. Thats where I came in.

In short, I took his stuff, piggy backed on it, wrote some scripts, and ended up with a tool that downloads all the plates from the FAA NACO site and stores them locally in a way that you can get em by airport identifier.. In all they take ~4gb of your HD space. No big deal for todays monsterous hard drives. It does take ~8hrs to get these thousands of plates on your typical broadband connection. It will run in the background and do its thing and not hog much CPU. If you use it, I just recommend you let it run overnight. You can get these as often as you like. THey are updated every 30 days.

Much more work can be done with this thing. All I personally needed was to get all the plates on a thumb drive that I could stick into my GRT EFIS for viewing. Since I needed to do this every 30 days to be legal, I decided to put a little work into doing this automatically. I have a scheduled task now running at home every thirty days at night to go get em. Having them locally on your computer in convenient for viewing and printing.

zip package here. Please follow the instructions.
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I believe Doug is also downloading all of the plates at once as well (offered on CD). What's different? Indexing? I'd be happy to pass along to him whatever changes/improvements you're thinking of. Probably see him this weekend.
Terry, CFI
I believe Doug is also downloading all of the plates at once as well (offered on CD). What's different? Indexing? I'd be happy to pass along to him whatever changes/improvements you're thinking of. Probably see him this weekend.
Terry, CFI

I did a few things to support my needs. First in his case, he created batch d/l that will d/l all files to a single place. If you pick a state to d/l, that is hundreds of files in one place. If you take his all.bat, its thousands in one place. My experience is that I always know the identifier of what I want, so having the plates in directories labeled by airport identifier is useful. Further, the GRT functionality is looking for this identifier directory structure so that all plates for one airport are in a directory by its self. Since I was trying to comply with their requirements, its how it ended up.

Next, the file names that from from NACO are huge and unmanageable on an EFIS screen. I scripted parsing of the names and renamed files into a simple form.
changed to
Airport-Diagram.pdf in a directory called KPVD along with all the other plates for that airport.

Another example

changed to ILS-OR-LOC-RWY-05.pdf in the same directory

That way, when the efis goes to look for airport plates, it can display a file list thats usable. Further, since they are now all saved in directories with the airport identifier, you can now simply see a list of the plates in a simple easy to read form in a file list on your local computer if you choose.

Next there were files that I considered extraneous and not useful and taking up space. Like various minumums pdf's and so forth.
AFS Chart Delivery

We actually spent a huge amount of time working on approach plate delivery and verification. We have found that while some of our customers have the technical skills and the time to download all of the approach plate pdf files every 28 days, it is not a very practical solution for the majority of our users. The raw PDF files are a lot larger than you actually need to display on the EFIS screen. We process and organize the approach plates into a separate file for each airport that ends up being about 35% of the size of the original pdf files. This reduces the time to download the entire country from around 9 hours to 3 hours.

When we process the approach plate data for each airport we control how each approach gets named so that it will work with our geo referencing data. We also control the order that the plates get displayed on the screen, select CHART from the airport information page and the first page is always the airport diagram.

We are currently working on a solution that will enable you to download only the airport charts that have actually had a change in the previous 28 days. This will dramatically reduce the time it takes to keep the charts current.
Flying with geo referenced plates that actually show your location on the approach plate is a major improvement in situational awareness. The problem with displaying the approach plate on the screen is that you lose the map display while you are looking at the plate. I found that I spent a lot of time switching from the map to the chart page while on approach. Once you have your aircraft's position on the approach plate you no longer need to see the map screen. It will also prevent you from flying one minute past the fix on your IFR check ride before making a procedure turn :confused:


Rob Hickman
N401RH RV-4 N402RH RV-10
Advanced Flight Systems
That is pretty slick Rob. No question the geo referenced plates are quite an improvement over the static images.

Determining changes in the files will be tricky since the date changes on the images prevent MD5 checks from passing. While the content might be identical, the dates have changed. I also wonder if we would still be legal with an out of date plate who's content remained unchanged. I suspect not. There are probably a few ways to skin the cat. A direct link to the FAA database would be the best option. I have not found it yet.....

That is pretty slick Rob. No question the geo referenced plates are quite an improvement over the static images.

Determining changes in the files will be tricky since the date changes on the images prevent MD5 checks from passing. While the content might be identical, the dates have changed. I also wonder if we would still be legal with an out of date plate who's content remained unchanged. I suspect not. There are probably a few ways to skin the cat. A direct link to the FAA database would be the best option. I have not found it yet.....


The FAA actually provides a list of the plates that have changed every 28 days and we have been told that as long as you provide a way of tracking the updates you are ok. Have you noticed that the date strip is cropped from the plates on the 696? I doubt that they are requiring users to replace all the plates every 28 days.

Having Traffic displayed on the plate is a really neat feature.

Rob Hickman
N401RH RV-4 N402RH RV-10
Advanced Flight Systems
. . .Have you noticed that the date strip is cropped from the plates on the 696? I doubt that they are requiring users to replace all the plates every 28 days.

Having Traffic displayed on the plate is a really neat feature.
Not being an IFR pilot I have been reluctant to concern myself too much about this information. However, I am of the mind that one could never have too much information. Because of this these approach plates do interest me even as a VFR pilot.

I have ordered a new 695 but do not have it yet so I am not speaking from any amount of first hand experience. However, I did read in the latest Plane & Pilot an article on the 696/695 that mentioned the screen for the plates will go black if you do not update them. If I do not stay current with the data they are going to make sure I do not have any information at all? This just does not seem right to me.

Well, anyway, as I said, I am a VFR pilot so for the time being the IFR plates will only serve as "additional" information for me. This is why Kahuna's downloads for the GRT intrigued me. If I can still get the plates without having to deal with the "BIG BROTHER" attitude of Garmin then I might be interested in doing so.
I found the "Terminal Procedures Change Notice" which allows you to search for changes but the output is long term not sustainable for developing an interface to get em. Automating this is critical to long term success.

"Charting Agents" get the list directly. I cant imagine the red tape to become a "charting agent. "

Ill keep plugging at a solution. What woud be ideal is a link to a change log of some kind. I have not found that yet. Its done for nav aids for charting. Cant find it for Terminal Procedures.

And ROb, you are right, the traffic overlay is neat. Please keep coming with pictures of this stuff. Dont be shy. Plug away your new stuff!

Kahuna - I know that the Holy Grail is to get it all for free, but an intermediate option is to get the update-only subscription from Air Charts - that gives you the legal paperwork in the cockpit that has all the updates to all approach plates since May (each year). That, along with the updated pdf's should make a guy legal.

I know, that's gonna be a hundred bucks a year - there's gotta be a way to beat that too!

Kahuna - I know that the Holy Grail is to get it all for free, but an intermediate option is to get the update-only subscription from Air Charts - that gives you the legal paperwork in the cockpit that has all the updates to all approach plates since May (each year). That, along with the updated pdf's should make a guy legal.

I know, that's gonna be a hundred bucks a year - there's gotta be a way to beat that too!


Oh Geez Paul you cant be serious. More **** in my cockpit.:eek: Carry some paper thing around?:confused: Subscribe to another service? Forget it. And its not free I want... I just dont want to pay more money to das feds than I already do for product they already produce that I paid for.

With the the 5 computers in my panel, there is a way to get what I want to display on at least one of them with low hassle and no more money! No more gismos in the cockpit for me. Make it work on what I got. Thats what I want. I dont mind writing a few programs to suck it out of em.
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Oh Geez Paul you cant be serious. More **** in my cockpit.:eek: Carry some paper thing around?:confused: Subscribe to another service? Forget it. And its not free I want... I just dont want to pay more money to das feds than I already do for product they already produce that I paid for.

With the the 5 computers in my panel, there is a way to get what I want to display on at least one of them with low hassle and no more money! No more gismos in the cockpit for me. Make it work on what I got. Thats what I want. I dont mind writing a few programs to suck it out of em.

That's the fire I want to see Mike! Now go write some code, sling some HTML...or whatever they call it these days....;)
Kahuna, this file seems to be the best bet to use: d-TPP_Metafile.xml

if you examine the XML elements, it'll be pretty soon apparent which ones are changed (so you can easily pick up only changes)... but not just that.. you can actually figure out what to do with the changed file -- is it an addition or replacement (hint: "useraction" element :) )

Using the above xml file should make it much, much easier to handle especially after the initial long download run..

If I find some time (maybe in April?) I may play with this some more and write some GUI..
electronic charts

I recall that Paul Dye successfully downloaded and then loaded charts onto a Sony ebook. I am not computer savy. Would it be possible to publish (detailed) instructions as to how I could go about doing that full procedure. On a second related question, I have a Chelton sport system. Do you think that it is possible to download the charts onto into that system and have the GPS overlay the location as Rob was doing?

Kahuna, this file seems to be the best bet to use: d-TPP_Metafile.xml

if you examine the XML elements, it'll be pretty soon apparent which ones are changed (so you can easily pick up only changes)... but not just that.. you can actually figure out what to do with the changed file -- is it an addition or replacement (hint: "useraction" element :) )

Using the above xml file should make it much, much easier to handle especially after the initial long download run..

If I find some time (maybe in April?) I may play with this some more and write some GUI..

xml would be perfect.
where is it?
I recall that Paul Dye successfully downloaded and then loaded charts onto a Sony ebook. I am not computer savy. Would it be possible to publish (detailed) instructions as to how I could go about doing that full procedure. On a second related question, I have a Chelton sport system. Do you think that it is possible to download the charts onto into that system and have the GPS overlay the location as Rob was doing?


The process I documented will get all the plates on your computer. You could copy those to your ebook which is quite capable of viewing the PDF plates that you copy to it.

As for your question of putting them in your chelton sport. OMG no. What Rob has done on the AFS takes many man hours of programming to accomplish.
I notice in the INSTRUCTIONS.TXT file that you mention grabbing
my ZIP'd collection of .BATs from: dranz.readyhosting.com

Better to use: www.NACOmatic.com

I'm not especially thrilled with Ready Hosting, Inc. If their service
continues to decline, I'll probably shift to Google's S3 service ...
which will break your script. Better to point to the permanent
> Probably see him this weekend.

Your absence was noted. Your wife and daughter took the opportunity to join the
Saturnday morning meeting of the Flyers & Liars Breakfast Club.

The explanation that you provided (attending an icing seminar) seemed worthy of an
excused absence. Peg blew coffee through her nose when t.h.a.t. was mentioned. She
rat'd you out ... Cake decorating? You were attending a cake decorating class? It
probably pays better than being a CFI, eh? <g>
> http://naco.faa.gov/d-tpp/0902/d-TPP_Metafile.xml

For those using the XML files from the naco.faa.gov site ...

Every month, I find (a few/new) errors in the XML files.
PLEASE SCRUB the fiiles for errors to insure that you are
not blindly using/trusting the XML. I report'm, they fix'm.

Ditto for their HTML/links. Ditto for their PDFs.
NACO's validation & release practices are essentialy
open-loop, not closed-loop. You read that correctly;
NACO does not 100% validate the links or files on their
DVDs or website.
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Ive completed an update that includes a list of new features to make your life easier to get some, any, or all the approach plates, arrival and departure procedures, or airport diagrams you like. Its been fun toying with it.
You can get the latest info here:
Here is some stuff I have added, cut and paste from the instructions.
The following list of paramaters may be also put with the command line, in any order, to produce the desired behavior.

--debug yes Will put the script in debug mode. It will d/l the xml catalog, and parse it normally, but WILL NOT d/l the actual plates. It does extensive

logging in your logfile.txt that can be used to debug issues. default is no.

--states xx,xx,xx You can list the states you want. No spaces in the state list. Default is all states

--Volumes xx,xx,xx There are a list of volumes at http://naco.faa.gov/content/naco/images/TPP_Index.gif . If you want to d/l a volume set of states, input

the volume name. Default is all if there is no --states parameter is used. No spaces when seperating volume names.

--destination drive:\dir This allows the user to determine where they want the plates directory to be located. This could be your usb stick for example.

default is to put the plates directory in the directory where you ran the script from.

--forceupdate yes Will d/l the plate regardless of whether or not the NACO catalog has it marked as an add or change.
NOTE: If you have skipped a cycle, YOU SHOULD use this switch. Default is for it to d/l plate only if it has changed or added.
But, if you keep up to date with the cycles, then do not use this option which makes the updaing process really really fast.
Also the wget command that this tool uses does a pretty good job. If what you have is the same as what you are trying to get, it quits trying and

moves on. default is NO and it will only d/l changes since last cycle.

--help Will give you some very detailed help displayed:)

--getmins yes This will download the minimums charts also. Default is to not get them. They are not much use I found and take up space

--startover yes This assumes you dont know what the heck you have in your plates directory and you just want to delete your local plates directory and start

from scratch
Note: Using this switch forces the --forceupdate yes . I figure if you want to start over, you want all of the plates.

Some examples:
downloadplates.pl --forceupdate yes
Great for running the first time when you want all states. Will get all states, all plates, except the minimum plates.

downloadplates.pl --states sc,ri --volumes se-1 --destination c:\myjunk\downloadplates
will d/l plates from the se-1 volume set which is Tennessee and Kentucky, and the states Rhode Island and South Caroline, if in this cycle it has been tagged

by the FAA NACO group as having changed or been added, and will put the airport identifiers into c:\myjunk\downloadplates\plates

downloadplates.pl --states sc,ri --volumes se-1 --destination c:\myjunk\downloadplates --debug yes
Will do everything in the previous example but it WONT actually d/l the plates and it will do extensive logging for you into your logfile.txt.

downloadplates.pl --states sc,ri --volumes se-1 --destination c:\myjunk\downloadplates --forceupdate yes
Will do everything in the 1st example except it will ignore wat the FAA NACO group has identified as added or changed, and it will d/l the plate regardless

downloadplates.pl --volumes se-1,se-2 --forceupdate yes
will d/l plates from the 2 volume regions se-1 and se-2 into the plates directory where you executed the script, and get the plates regardless of whether they been added or changed.

downloadplates.pl --destination e: --getmins yes
will d/l all states with plates that have been changed or added since the last cycle to your e:\plates & you will get the minimuns plates as well

Thanks for your great work here. I tried this out on OS X, and discovered that the script has hard-coded Windows path separators "\\". I thought perl was smart enough to use the correct separator for the file system if you simply used "/" in your code. Anyway, I changed all the separators, and it worked great, using the wget from Fink.

I'll send you my modified version. It would be interesting to see if it works on Windows.
Hey Kevin,
Actually Matt Dralle sent me a version with an input parameter for it.
--linux on the command line will do the trick.
Thanks Matt.
Ive updated the version and this should work just fine on most OS's
Hey Kevin,
Actually Matt Dralle sent me a version with an input parameter for it.
--linux on the command line will do the trick.
Thanks Matt.
Ive updated the version and this should work just fine on most OS's.
The new version works on OS X, assuming the user has installed wget from some other source. I first tried just a bare "--linux", but that failed with:

"Option linux requires an argument
Incorrect usage! Please read the instructions.txt"

I then tried "--linux=yes", and that made it happy. I note that the instructions do not yet mention the --linux parametre.

Thanks Mike and Matt.
Linux option plus a suggestion ...

I just ran the latest with the --linux option with the command "perl DownloadPlates.pl --linux ALL"

Ran without problems but with one small glitch, line 28 - I had to change this to <use Time::Local;>. I.E. uppercase L on Local. Probably due to case sensitive filenames in Linux.

One suggestion that may speed up the downloads - try to grab the ip address by doing a 'ping naco.faa.gov' or 'nslookup naco.faa.gov', strip off the raw ip address and then access the site directly with

This will save the name server lookup each time you fetch a document. The NS lookup is likely to take a second or more which adds up for the volume we are dealing with here.

I can give you my solution in Python if that is any help. I have no experience with perl.

Doug Gray
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Upgrading GRT HX Internal Flash Module...

I've been working with Mike Stewart to download all of the ILS plates for the US and format them into a "./plates" folder that is compatible with the GRT HX Horizion I EFIS units. Mike's program works great, by the way and I highly recommend downloading it and giving it a try if you have a GRT EFIS, or even if you don't.

The problem is that the full US database is about 4GB and there's only about 512MB of free flash in the HX. That means to you have to be pretty picky about what you put in the flash and I found that I could only fit CA and OR states in the internal flash. Yeah, you can stick an external USB flash drive in but that's kind of ugly... I thought there had to be a way to upgrade the flash in the HX, so I pulled one of my HXs apart and pulled out the Flash Module. Turns out they are a little integrated unit from Stec. STec has sizes up through 8GB! I could only find 4GB actually for sale, though. The best price on a 4GB unit was about $218. Its a parallel access, IDE drive kind of like a Compact Flash card. They even come in extended temp version for about $20 more. So if the 4GB version is $218, then the 8GB will probably be about $400. That's kind of expensive... It would be cool to have ALL of the plates IN the HX, though, you know...?

Specifically, the STec part number is "SLFDM44H-xxM1UI" where the "xx" is something like 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB.

Here is some information on the cards and a few prices I found on the Net:

Brochure: http://www.stec-inc.com/downloads/flash_brochures/ideflashdisk.pdf

Datasheet: http://www.stec-inc.com/downloads/flash_datasheets/SLFDM40-44_V-H-xxxM-G_M1UI_61000-04498.pdf






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Your first post! Way to go. Your an RV icon with your Matronics lists all these years. Way before your time.

I am concerned about getting the 4gb version. I expect at some point we will also get low/high alt charts and who knows what else. I tried loading one last week and it crashed the box. Not surprised as its not a suported feature and those files are large. Dont anyone get excited about the box crashing on a huge pdf file. Its expected behavior.
I think Im gonna hold off on any chip purchases at this point to see where GRT takes it the product. For now the panel mount USB port with a stick inserted when I need it works OK for me.
Having the stick stuck in the back of the unit permanent is a bad idea. The industrial design of the port does not support a stick hanging out vibrating around for hours.
Good work on the update for us. Thanks for the pics and the info.
What does the future have in store?

Sorry, this may not be the "correct" place for this but I just had to vent some mental energy...stuck in the middle of Navy inst training in the instructor training unit!!!

Am I the only one who thinks all of this is transitory? It seems to me that where we CAN go (and probably WILL in the next 3-7 years) would be a truely all inclusive system...a moving map, in 3D (maybe even high def pics overlayed onto terrain ALA Google earth), Terrain data, traffic data, with HITS, with Inst Apch/airways/etc all overlayed. Personnaly selected proximity for procedural "mouse overs" (as you fly within 2 miles, lets say, of an IAF the system "talks" you onto the procedure...maybe asks you "do you want to shoot the VOR-A to runway 23?" if you do, it talks you onto the aproach with all courses, altitudes, etc. This could pave the way to voice recognition...if the system intelligently asks you a yes/no question, then we already have the tech to get that one right fairly often (recognizing the answer to an open ended question still seems a little less than reliable for a cockpit). "what is my minimum altitude?" Maybe the system can use speach recognition with the radios?? "what was my assigned heading?" That would reduce all of those pesky call-backs in busy airspace. (who really LIKES flying in Miami airspace, trying to contact apch and hearing "AAAhhh hello there approach, this is aaahhh...."). When apch tells you to switch, the radios would switch for you...the freqs could be stored in a database with ID tags "what was the freq for center a while back...no the other one). What is the worse kind of vertigo...unrecognized right? Well if you get it at 7000 ft but your descent rate has not developed yet, a B!tc#ing Betty wouldn't warn you yet...but if you were in aproach mode or IFR enroute mode (wouldn't need to be IMC, maybe VMC at night) the system could be set to warn you/ask you if you might have vertigo...or talk you out of it! Maybe you could even have it be in the voice of HAL 9000 (OK, that would not be good)

Food for thought...havn't started an RV yet, someday!?!?!
Food for thought...havn't started an RV yet, someday!?!?!
Believe me, 'someday' will never come. Either or get off the pot. In both computers and airplanes, if you wait for that up-coming new whiz-bang, when it is delivered, there will be yet another whiz-bang 'advanced' that you will want to wait for. 30 years in computers has taught me that when you need it, buy it then. If you want to build an RV, then figure out which model and get it ordered.
OK, downloaded all the charts, copied to USB drive, so how do you display the charts on the GRT EFIS?
OK, downloaded all the charts, copied to USB drive, so how do you display the charts on the GRT EFIS?

On an HX display, go to a map page, select an airport and its details. There is a "Plates" button.

This is an amazing thread! I vote that it be given Hall of Fame recognition. Or start a Hall of Fame section by renaming the "RV Threads: The Best Of The Best (copies)" to "Hall of Fame Threads." :):D
You guys are killing me.
You just dont know how many people are using something until it stops working. Which it did and my email filled up.
FAA decided to move the URL to a new location. Had to make a script mod to fix it. First change in the code in over a year. Wish my stuff at work lasted that long:p
Thanks to all you Johnny on the spot folks for letting me know your using it.
Updates here.

Version 3.0 of the approach plates program is now available.
This upgrade is required in order for your downloadplates program to work.
FAA changed file locations once again.

This program allows you to download current approach plates in PDF form to your hard drive for use on your iPad, GRT EFIS, computer, Android, or any other device capable of viewing PDF's.
Holler if you have any trouble.

Thank you, thank you!!! I am using your script for the approach plates for my GRTs. Have not read your update yet.

I made the update this evening and the new program is running now updating the approach plates for my GRTs.

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Ok, I'm not the most computer literate guy, but neither are the two buddies who have tried to help me. I have tried to follow Kahunas instructions, but am not getting past "After you install active perl, you will need to install the xml package. At the command prompt type "ppm install xml-xpath" without the quotes." Guys, that's not far into his instruction (shows you how computer challenged I am).

One of the buddy's suggested emailing or getting a hold of Kahuna, but I don't want to bother him because he was nice enough to do all this and the last thing he needs is a computer dummy calling and asking for a walkthrough. Just curious if anybody has any additional info that might be helpful? I tried it on a MAC and windows program without luck. Thanks a bunch. Dave
Ok, I'm not the most computer literate guy, but neither are the two buddies who have tried to help me. I have tried to follow Kahunas instructions, but am not getting past "After you install active perl, you will need to install the xml package. At the command prompt type "ppm install xml-xpath" without the quotes." Guys, that's not far into his instruction (shows you how computer challenged I am).

One of the buddy's suggested emailing or getting a hold of Kahuna, but I don't want to bother him because he was nice enough to do all this and the last thing he needs is a computer dummy calling and asking for a walkthrough. Just curious if anybody has any additional info that might be helpful? I tried it on a MAC and windows program without luck. Thanks a bunch. Dave

Dont want to bother him? Your kidding right?
shoot me an email with your contact number and we will work it out together. This is what these forums are for.
rvsuper thenumber8 at gmail dot com

Thanks Kahuna. :) Email on the way and thank you for offering me to get a hold of you. I just hate to ask someone directly, because I don't know if 15 guys have approached you in the last month and your time is limited etc, etc.

I agree with you though -- this forum is great and I hope nobody ever has any reservations about getting a hold of me and talking about RV building/ideas -- it's super fun! Dave
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No sooner than I posted this and emailed Mike, the phone rang and 10 minutes later the approach plates started downloading on my computer.

Thank you very much Kahuna. It was very kind of you and very nice chatting with you. Beers to follow when we cross paths (errrr, is that like check's in the mail --- only I mean it)! Dave
No sooner than I posted this and emailed Mike, the phone rang and 10 minutes later the approach plates started downloading on my computer.

Thank you very much Kahuna. It was very kind of you and very nice chatting with you. Beers to follow when we cross paths (errrr, is that like check's in the mail --- only I mean it)! Dave

There is somthing exciting about watching those plates d/l for the first time. Glad to help. For those wondering what happend to him, he is not the most tech savy and the instructions calling for him to go to the command prompt got him stuck in the mud.
Another satisified customer. And even after all the recent FAA changes and blockages and attempts to thwort our efforts, the tool is still working. Yipee.:D Now if I could only get GRT to allow for the charts to be displayed, Id be golden. I only need the low alt charts that are in pdf. I did my part in getting the chart tool to get them all. GRT has not done theirs.:confused:
Combined effort

Maybe if we all call GRT (are you listening/watching Carlos?), they'll listen. I do know they are excellent customer people, so I can see them taking care of this soon. They have a tech guy named Jeff who writes the programs and he's as kind as can be (like the rest of them). I'll try to get a hold of him and report back with you Mike. I have his email address. Dave
Maybe if we all call GRT (are you listening/watching Carlos?), they'll listen. I do know they are excellent customer people, so I can see them taking care of this soon. They have a tech guy named Jeff who writes the programs and he's as kind as can be (like the rest of them). I'll try to get a hold of him and report back with you Mike. I have his email address. Dave
Is there any new information concerning contacting GRT?
XML no lonegr available. ARGH

Well the changes to the digital procedures are underway and they are no longer providing the xml file on their website. The XML file is the catalog of all the approach plates, the changes, and other information. This was the key item I and others used to get the approach plates. For now and probably forever, this is broken.
If you know of a way to get this xml file, or can figure out where they are putting it, by all means get it to me and I can update the program.
Thanks a lot FAA.
Mr. Stewart:
We are no longer providing the xml file for the d-TPP product on-line. It is available on the d-TPP DVD, which can be obtained by going to http://faacharts.faa.gov/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=DTPP .
Best Regards,
Jim Grant
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AeroNav Webmaster
Federal Aviation Administration
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Does anyone know if there is a license agreement attached to these new digital products? In other words, if I were to purchase these digital products, could I host a site that would allow others to download the contents?
Update, New version 4.0
So for many months the key ingredient for getting this tool to work has been the lack of available XML catalog file from the FAA. VERY FRUSTRATING. So I have a temporary source for the catalog file and im putting it up on my server for the tool to retrieve it. All of the plates are still being pulled from AeroNavs public access server. Good news is that it makes the script work. Bad news is that I have to manually get this catalog file and put it up on my server for you to use. My manual intervention is bad. It is something that I have to do each cycle and in all likelihood I WONT!. But at least for now our plates will be current for a while again, and semi-up to date after that and that is better than not working at all. Ill try and keep my catalog as up to date as I have time for. Pay attention to your logfile.txt it will tell you when my catalog file you are getting information from is outdated. Actually the files you retrieve will be current, but there will be NEW plates in the current cycle that I dont know about, some deprecated I dont know about etc... But for all practical purposes this will work just fine for a long time to come.
Remember, while you may have a plate that is months or even years old, in all likelihood its current if you are placing bets on it. Note: There is NO SUBSTITUTE for current. Having watched the changes over the years now, most changed plates don't change materially. So for me, I find given the thousands of plates here, even being out of date from the cycles by months has had no impact on my usage. This does not mean however that it cant have an impact! Like any other charting activity, like using an old vfr chart will probably get you by, right up to the point that someone gets their eye poked out. So please, no safety police emails to me. Im a big boy and I understand the risks.

Also since its been a very long time since this script has worked, about 7 months, delete ALL YOUR PLATES locally, and use the command downloadplates.pl --forceupdate yes to get them all back current. I recommend using this command FROM NOW ON until we can get this FAA catalog file stuff resolved. Sorry for the lousy solution. Using this for the next couple of months will get you current now.

I also recommend you subscribe to this thread for updated information in the future.

Please send all hostile emails to the FAA!
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