
Well Known Member
I've been chewing on which avionics package to order for some time. Dynon vs Garmin. I have already installed Dynon AP servos......but my gut keeps telling me for to take a deep breath; and go with tried and true Garmin.

I know they charge for every bloody iddy biddy item.....but what they! Guess I've made up my mind:D

Would love to hear from anyone who has flown with both
Garmin Is Garmin

Sorry I have no experience with Dynon and the Garmin Touch is new.
Garmin Is Garmin..
The Question I have, If Something between the Garmin radios and Dynon Is not working who do you call.

I Like the Idea of all the responsibly to be with the same manufacture.
I also like the smart servo from Garmin.
I will have all Garmin panel.
And Garmin Pilot on my Ipad.
It all looks the same.

My View
Can't comment on Skyview, but my D-180 AP-74 plays well with myGarmin 396. Initially I had an occasional "Nav Source Lost" problem while in Nav mode, but the last Dynon update seems to have fixed that.
I struggled with the same decision a while back. I decided on the Dynon to a large degree because when they added the touch screen they retained the button interface across the bottom while Garmin eliminated most of theirs. I like the idea of being able to use either.
I think both systems are `tried and true', at least insofar as that term can apply to products that are constantly evolving. My Skyview came with version 3.1 software, and we're now up to 12.xx! The great thing is that Vans have given builders two systems to choose from. I will say that I have found Dynon support to be excellent, even here, and that to me is just as important as the capability of the system.
I too started out at V 3.1 and am up to V 12.0, and all that improvement and update has never cost me a penny even! I have screwed up some things, and Dynon has always fixed it for free. They are so easy to ask for help, and always give it freely. I too am VERY glad I chose the Dynon stuff.

I think both systems are `tried and true', at least insofar as that term can apply to products that are constantly evolving. My Skyview came with version 3.1 software, and we're now up to 12.xx! The great thing is that Vans have given builders two systems to choose from. I will say that I have found Dynon support to be excellent, even here, and that to me is just as important as the capability of the system.
I'm going with Garmin

I decided to go with the Dual Garmin option. I was at a point in the build where making the changes/additions were not that difficult.

There are a couple of extra wires that need to be added for the AP servo under the pilot seat.

The Servo mount under the seat needs a sight modification but that was pretty easy.

The aft Servo mount also needed a minor mod. Easy for me because I still have not attached the tail cone, which also made it easy to do the wiring mods in the tail cone.

The Pilot and Co-pilot panel attach nut plates also need to be re-done.

That is not a complete list but it is the major items.

I ordered the Garmin Avionics Plans before I made the decision. It was $25 well spent.
I've been chewing on which avionics package to order for some time. Dynon vs Garmin. I have already installed Dynon AP servos......but my gut keeps telling me for to take a deep breath; and go with tried and true Garmin.

I know they charge for every bloody iddy biddy item.....but what they! Guess I've made up my mind:D

Would love to hear from anyone who has flown with both

I think the Skyview ADS-B is the edge right now. I have worked with TCAS for years - and the traffic display on my non-certified Dynon is better imho that anything certified I have ever worked with. I love my Seattle Avionics VFR/IFR subscription as well - never need to carry a chart again (well - iPad backup - same deal)

I dunno if Garmin has the ADS-B in/out functioning with the same accuracy that I see out of the Dynon. All I know is Garmin sure makes a lot of money out of certified a/c owners. 2020 will be a different story. Hopefully the FAA can get it's head out of ....well we all know.... a lot of lobbyists at work I am sure.

Here you go - my 2 cents:

Yeah, notice he has the AP panel AND the Knobs panel! He makes it hard for the rest of us to keep up with his panel.:confused::mad:
Garmin ADSB

Wait to see what Garmin is planning to release at OSCH
For about 1K + or -

Team X at work

Joe D

I dunno if Garmin has the ADS-B in/out functioning with the same accuracy that I see out of the Dynon. All I know is Garmin sure makes a lot of money out of certified a/c owners. 2020 will be a different story. Hopefully the FAA can get it's head out of ....well we all know.... a lot of lobbyists at work I am sure.

Here you go - my 2 cents:

Wait to see what Garmin is planning to release at OSCH
For about 1K + or -

Team X at work

Joe D


Would love to hear what that might be....please pm me if you don't wish to broad I'm really struggling between the two systems:eek
I've been chewing on which avionics package to order for some time. Dynon vs Garmin. I have already installed Dynon AP servos......but my gut keeps telling me for to take a deep breath; and go with tried and true Garmin.

I know they charge for every bloody iddy biddy item.....but what they! Guess I've made up my mind:D

Would love to hear from anyone who has flown with both

I was where you are, and I did exactly what you are considering. Had dynon servos and pitot installed and wired....pulled them out and went with Garmin. Have never regretted it. Like you said, it all works and there is no drama, delays, promises or refusals. I do have a dynon D6 as a backup, and it failed on the way to sun n fun after 220 hours or so. I ran every wire in my panel myself and made up every connector. The difference in quality from the plastic Dynon to the metal Garmin is not a small one. How the pins fit, how the shielding is grounded...everything about the Garmin exudes the feel of certified aviation type quality. The Dynon feels experimental to me, and fact is its the only electronics in the plane to fail thus far (they handled the warranty quickly and well tho). When I priced the difference between G and D with full systems, everything included. The difference wasn't much. Your mileage may vary greatly depending on what you want, so add it all up (or better yet let Stein do so).

Just my opinion as a full on Dynon fanboy....who converted without regret.
I was where you are, and I did exactly what you are considering. Had dynon servos and pitot installed and wired....pulled them out and went with Garmin. Have never regretted it. Like you said, it all works and there is no drama, delays, promises or refusals. I do have a dynon D6 as a backup, and it failed on the way to sun n fun after 220 hours or so. I ran every wire in my panel myself and made up every connector. The difference in quality from the plastic Dynon to the metal Garmin is not a small one. How the pins fit, how the shielding is grounded...everything about the Garmin exudes the feel of certified aviation type quality. The Dynon feels experimental to me, and fact is its the only electronics in the plane to fail thus far (they handled the warranty quickly and well tho). When I priced the difference between G and D with full systems, everything included. The difference wasn't much. Your mileage may vary greatly depending on what you want, so add it all up (or better yet let Stein do so).

Just my opinion as a full on Dynon fanboy....who converted without regret.

Yup....All the same reasons. It will cost more; but this is my "Baby"... Am going with dual displays...:D