
Well Known Member
I was planning a flight from T67 near Ft Worth to Liberal, KS (KLBL) this morning. The direct route would take me right through Wichita Falls and about 200 MOAs. I've gone that way before and used flight following and judicious selection of altitude to navigate the MOAs with minimum fuss but I could not find a way on either ForeFlight or Flight Guide iEFB to get the info on the MOAs.

I also checked Runway Finder and Navmonster and could not figure it out that way either!

Does anyone know how to get any or all of these sources to show freqs, hours of operation, effective altitudes and controlling authority?

As an aside, most of the MOAs can be avoided by going slightly north and then direct. Only Vance 1C and Sheppard 2 MOAs would be in play, and it only adds 17 nm. It always amazes me how a slight detour can make navigation easier and make the flight safer while just adding a few miles.
My Air Chart Systems Topo Atlas (paper product) has most of that info. Flight following is a good way to help.

My review shows only one MOA (you effectively glance Shephard 2 MOA). You cut through Shephard 1 MOA. My GPS will show the altitudes for both (8000-FL180 MSL). Use is M-F, daylight plus one hour each end.

Ft Worth Center.

I would fly direct and possible just veer a little west to avoid Shephard 2. Use Flight Following to go through Shephard 1 or stay below 8000' MSL. Easy peasey.

Scroll your unit cursor over the MOA and see if the info pops up. (Just between you and me, on rare occasions looking in the manual may show you how to get the info. This is against the Guy Code so if you attribute that to me, I will deny ever suggesting it.)
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Looks like MOA info is in the works at Fore Flight

I had the same question. Actually, my BFR instructor asked the question and I couldn't answer. Checked Fore Flight web site - no joy. So I shot a message off the FF's team last week asking how to access MOA info and their reply:
"That info is not available in v3.9, but stay tuned. It's a high priority item."
There's a small red circle somewhere near the perimeter of the MOA's

....in Skychartspro. Just touch it and the MOA altitude limits appear. You sometimes have to touch around the outside of the red circle because it seems the center of each circle doesn't always produce results.

....in Skychartspro. Just touch it and the MOA altitude limits appear. You sometimes have to touch around the outside of the red circle because it seems the center of each circle doesn't always produce results.



Thanks! Hadn't noticed that feature before.
I use WingX Pro on my IPhone & IPad more than the others that are available and you can tap anywhere inside the MOA or other SUA and it brings up all the information.
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Say, Dick......

....I believe that they want to know how to get MOA information in Flight, not at the computer.

SkychartsPro has added little red circles to the MOA's that you touch and get the pre-loaded MOA info in the air.

....in Skychartspro. Just touch it and the MOA altitude limits appear. You sometimes have to touch around the outside of the red circle because it seems the center of each circle doesn't always produce results.


my thanks again to Pierre for turning me on to Skycharts a long time ago...like the day I bought my first IPad. It continues to provide an inexpensive, geo-referenced, accurate, legal source of visual charts. $19.99/year!

Everything you could ever want to know about Special Use Airspace:


The DOD FLIP AP1/A is the book you want. FLIP = Flight Information Pub, the AP1/A lists all SUA, who owns it, who to call to schedule it, the confines of it, etc.

Download a copy, and knock yourself out.

You can also download a copy of the AP1/B which defines all low level routes, scheduling, ownership, confines, hazards, etc. I don't recommend using it to actually fly a route, but if you wanted to know who owns it or details of it... yeah use it at your own risk.

Tried the link you posted and my computer wouldn't let me go there! Warned of dangerous website that requires "certification". If you have access to this site, does it allow downloads in .pdf so you could store it in an IPad? (Making it accessible in the air)
Sorry, forgot you have to register for that sight. It's gov't owned so your comptuer won't blow up if you click through the security stuff, but it may not give you access.

You can try googleing AP1/A and see if you can find one there, or if you know any military dudes or have access to a base near by you can probably grab one there.
ForeFlight 4 added airspace info, A/FD and mor

I just updated my install of ForeFlight to v4. They added a LOT! Pertinent to this thread is that you can now tap on the map for airspace info, airport data, MOA's etc and get frequency, operations, times, etc

There's more customization options, personal waypoints, and a place to save plates.
Tap and hold

I upgraded to Foreflight v4 yesterday and it took me a little while to figure out how to display the airspace information for MOAs, Class B,C,D, etc. You have to tap the area and hold your finger on that area for 1 or 2 seconds for it to display. A normal tap isn't enough.
One quick tap works for me just as if I hold my finger for a sec or two. You will need the new charts downloaded and have "all" selected in order to show the airspace.

Foreflight is doing an awesome job in bringing more features, I really like the ability to have folders and ability to switch back&fort between plates and map.
One quick tap works for me just as if I hold my finger for a sec or two. You will need the new charts downloaded and have "all" selected in order to show the airspace.

Foreflight is doing an awesome job in bringing more features, I really like the ability to have folders and ability to switch back&fort between plates and map.

Yup, it didn't work for me either until I downloaded all the new charts. I'm loving the new feature sets.
One quick tap works for me just as if I hold my finger for a sec or two. You will need the new charts downloaded and have "all" selected in order to show the airspace.

Foreflight is doing an awesome job in bringing more features, I really like the ability to have folders and ability to switch back&fort between plates and map.

Yes, a very nice update, indeed. I note that after the version 4.0 update, there were a bunch of downloads pending and it was only after this lengthy download that the new features all worked properly. I assume the charts and plates had to all be reloaded for the new features to work.

And just a tap is all that's required to view the SUA information on the chart for me as well. It's amazing how far ForeFlight has advanced in such a short time. I also recommend watching the 4 minute video on their blog site that explains the new features.
A really great APP just got even better.

I talked with the FF guys at SnF and they have some really great stuff still to come.
One quick tap works for me just as if I hold my finger for a sec or two. You will need the new charts downloaded and have "all" selected in order to show the airspace.

Foreflight is doing an awesome job in bringing more features, I really like the ability to have folders and ability to switch back&fort between plates and map.

Is there another "all" filter somewhere other than the box that pops up when you tap the map? Because mine only shows the coordinates; no airspace data.
Is there another "all" filter somewhere other than the box that pops up when you tap the map? Because mine only shows the coordinates; no airspace data.


Just the one you mentioned. Just make sure you tap the 'All' button so that it defaults to that each time you tap on SUA. If I tap on an MOA, for example, the box pops up and the MOA is at the top of the list containing all the MOA info. If it's not coming up, my guess is that you haven't downloaded the current charts and plates perhaps? Make sure you don't have any pending downloads. I was forced to re-cache all of my data after I upgraded to 4.0.
The update reloaded all the charts automatically but the airspace data wasn't showing up. But reloading the airport database took care of the issue. All good now. :)
Foreflight update 4

I updated maps first, then discovered the version 4 update. After updating to V4, the MOA features still wouldn't work. I had to delete all the maps the reload them. Works great now... and how sweet it is!
The update reloaded all the charts automatically but the airspace data wasn't showing up. But reloading the airport database took care of the issue. All good now. :)

Me too. Just needed to reload the airport database.

I reloaded the database and it works great now. My thanks to those who already figured it out and passed the info along.
How do I update to version 4.0 on the iPad ? I see that I have 3.9
Can't figure it out?

ForeFlight Update is now 4.0.1


There are a few ways, here's one: on your desktop go to iTunes, click on 'Apps' and you will see a button at the bottom that says 'check for updates,' you should see the ForeFlight update. The update is free so you just have to click on 'get updates,' enter your password, and after the download, go to 'my iPad' and do a Synch. Done.

Or from your iPad, click on the App Store icon, click on the 'Updates' button at the bottom of the page, and download the update directly (you have to be within range of your network or a hot spot).

Your in luck, the update is now 4.0.1, which fixes a bug upgrading from ver. 3.9, so your update should go smoother than most.
On my way to the Petit Jean fly-in last weekend, I wanted to check on any activity in one MOA, and the frequency was listed on the chart in ForeFlight, so I contacted Kansas City Center.

The helpful controller advised me that the MOA was not hot, but then gave me the correct frequency to call "next time." Seems that the freq that was on ForeFlight was for the high-level guys.