
Active Member
Does anyone know how to get a Garmin GTX 345 to communicate with a Dynon Skyview that allows the Skyview to show the transponders "status" (alt, stdby, etc.)? My old transponder, a GTX-327 output RS-232 "REMOTE" language. The new GTX 345 does not output just "REMOTE". Dynon was no help, telling me to, "talk to Garmin". Garmin suggested REMOTE FMT 1, but that does not seem to work.
Is this a GTX 345 "R" or a GTX 345? If the latter, why not just look at the face plate to see the status. That's what I do. I have the GTX 345 with an AFS 4500. The AFS and the GTX do not speak the same language. It wouldnt surprise me to learn the Dynon and the 345 don't communicate well.

Before the 345 came out, I was considering using a GTX 330 es to get ADSB out. There are provisions in the ASF 4500 for that device.

Maybe you're using a GTN to change the squawk codes on your GTX 345R.
It is the GTX 345 panel mount and yes, I can look at the screen. It's not really a big deal. There is currently a display on the Skyview top bar that now has a red X going through it, and I don't like seeing that. Maybe I can turn that off, but I'm holding out for a solution.
Otherwise, I was able to get Skyview to send "altitude" information to the GTX 345, so all the other features of both the Skyview and the GTX 345 appear to work fine.
PS- the 345's bluetooth to IPad (Fore Flight) is really cool too!
It is the GTX 345 panel mount and yes, I can look at the screen. It's not really a big deal. There is currently a display on the Skyview top bar that now has a red X going through it, and I don't like seeing that. Maybe I can turn that off, but I'm holding out for a solution.
Otherwise, I was able to get Skyview to send "altitude" information to the GTX 345, so all the other features of both the Skyview and the GTX 345 appear to work fine.
PS- the 345's bluetooth to IPad (Fore Flight) is really cool too!

Understood. A red X on the EFIS would be distracting. That's gotta get fixed. I hope you can find a work around.

Agreed on the GTX 345 bluetooth to ipad. That is really cool. Are you getting audio alerts for traffic and airspace? Sorry for the drift.
Sorry we can't be more help. Garmin doesn't publish their protocols, so it's very hard to support their equipment. We had to reverse engineer the protocol from the older 327/330, which really just fell out as a side effect of reversing their unpublished traffic protocol from the 330.

They also don't publish their install manuals, so we can't even look up what protocols the 345 might support. So all we can suggest is that you contact Garmin and ask them if any of the protocols in the 345 are identical to the 327's REMOTE format. If none of them are, then it won't work. If one of them is the same, then it should work. If they claim it's the same and it's not working, you can send us a datalog from your system and we can see what data we're getting and maybe see why it's different.

You can however get rid of the red X if you need to. You just need to pick "ICARUS/GARMIN ALTITUDE" for that serial port instead of "GARMIN GTX 327". If you have the 327 selected it assumes you want to see the status up top, but the altitude protocol assumes you are sending data only, not getting it back.

EDIT: One troubleshooting question: On the Serial page on SkyView, is the RX counter increasing? If it's not, we're not getting any data from the transponder which may indicate a configuration or wiring issue.
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When I called Garmin to ask which was closest to REMOTE, they were not optimistic that anything would work, but I am going to try a few more and see if by luck one will work. Failing that, I will follow through on the "IARUS/GARMIN ALTITUDE" suggestion, to get rid of the red X. I also need to look into the troubleshooting question: On the Serial page on SkyView, is the RX counter increasing? And make sure that is not the issue. Thanks all.
Does anyone know how to get a Garmin GTX 345 to communicate with a Dynon Skyview that allows the Skyview to show the transponders "status" (alt, stdby, etc.)? My old transponder, a GTX-327 output RS-232 "REMOTE" language. The new GTX 345 does not output just "REMOTE". Dynon was no help, telling me to, "talk to Garmin". Garmin suggested REMOTE FMT 1, but that does not seem to work.

I am pretty sure my GTX335 is set to Remote FMT 1 and it works fine. Dynon settings are set to GTX330. I will check the settings when I am at the hangar tomorrow and let you know for sure.
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Mine is set to Remote FMT 2 which unfortunately the GTX345 doesn't have. Like I said earlier the Dynon is set up to receive data from the GTX330ES. Unfortunately I don't know where you would go from here.
Good news. I discovered that when I was programing RS-232 Channel 1 input, that the 345 software then forces the channel 1 output to be the same language. So I changed the output for the "transponder status" to a different RS-232 channel, configured the output to "REMOTE FMT 1", and it works!
So in summary, the new GTX 345 does everything the old GTX 327 did, that is, the 345 will accept Skyview's altitude information (ALT FMT 1 100ft), and output the necessary format (REMOTE FMT 1) to show the transponders "status" on the top menu bar.
I flew the FAA's ADS-B conformity check flight and the report came back indicating the GTX 345 was doing everything it was supposed to do, all categories passed.