
Well Known Member
I'm hoping to extract flight data from a friend's GRT HXr. I've quickly scanned the online documentation, located the download post-processing utilities, but have few questions...

- Does the system record flight data internally for later dumping onto USB stick?

- Does the data recording need to be initiated in a menu somewhere?

- Any suggestions where to find more documentation for getting data out of the HXr?

- Any advice on the process?


The HXr is essentially a newer flavor of the HX. Most of the "how to" information for basic system operation is contained in the HX manual here: User Rev C Feb 2009.pdf

On Page 7-1 you'll see Paragraph 7-2, Flight Data Recording. This should provide some of the answers you seek. In short, flight data recording has to be turned on prior to the flight. Flight files are stored on the USB stick for post-flight analysis, and can be played back through the EFIS to recreate the flight.
Thanks Mark.

Summarizing the manual it appears you go into the HX menus and turn on recording, and then before post-flight power down insert the USB stick and give it time to dump that flight's data onto the stick.

So after post-flight power down the data is gone from HX/HXr.

Thanks again,

Best to leave the memory stick in the whole flight. If the flight is long enough the internal memory can be fully exhausted, in which case it will automatically dump it onto the memory stick, erase the internal memory, then start recording again. You can download the data into an Excel file.
Part of Checklist

I just made it a part of my checklist, both preflight and post, insert/remove
thumb drive. There are two types of files on the drive after a flight.
Like Bob said, you have thr excel spreadsheet, and the Demo files.
The demo files are zipped and then I upload them to Savvy Analysis for
viewing in chart form for all the engine data. Really nice feature when
troubleshooting engine problems.