Ron B.

Well Known Member
Any Canadian RV-14 owner have success getting Transport Canada remove the “Aerobics Prohibited “ from their aircraft.
Any advice would be appreciated. I’m having trouble finding or getting what my TC guy wants from Van’s to get this process started .
Thanks Ron
Ron, it's important to note that you're looking for a "one-off" approval for your aircraft, not an approval for all RV-14's. The MD-RA document is a summary, and you'll note that nothing mentions information from the kit manufacturer.

You do need to perform a mechanical evaluation, which means you'll need something to evaluate it to. If you're not capable of doing a full stress analysis of the airframe yourself, you'll have to get something from Van's that says that an RV-14 built according to plans is capable of sustaining the desired G-forces. You'll then need to certify that the basic structure of your plane was built according to plans... No deviations to the structure. If you've made changes to the structure, you'll need to document them and show that they haven't changed the stress paths in a way that would reduce your margins while doing aerobatics.

I seem to recall having a similar summary document from Transport Canada at one point... An Advisory document for their offices. I'll see if I can find it.
As I recall, you must able to exit the aircraft in flight (bail out).
In an RV, this means ejecting the canopy, and wearing a parachute.

In my Rocket, I made a mechanism that was installed on the canopy slider track once you were buckled in. It consisted of wedges that were pinned into place on the roller track. Sliding the canopy back two inches would cause the rollers to run up the ramps through a void in the slider track, thus allowing the canopy to be torn away by the airflow.

I've never had to test it in flight, though.
Thanks guys, my RV-14A has no structural changes, built to plans. It has the Van’s supplied canopy ejection handle installed per plans also.

I thought I saw that the FlightChops RV-14 out of Windsor had the aerobatics restriction lifted recently, can't find the video where that was announced though..