
Active Member
When Louise and I moved to the Washington D.C. area, she got me this wonderful new hangar (so much better than that tin place in Carlsbad that banged in the wind all the time) – I thought “Hey, this is a pretty good deal for a teenage bachelor pad!” Then I found out the truth – she had rented half of it to this little fabric-covered mosquito…a “Kitfox” he called himself. I’ve been nervous ever since – that little blade-like propeller threatens to stab me every time I back in to the place, and don’t even get me started about that folded wing just waiting to fall off on my tail! Not only that, but we are flying less these days and the trips just aren’t as exciting as they used to be. So I was a little surprised when Louise woke me up early Thursday morning and said we were headed out on a long cross-country. Long trip? On a weekday? Things were beginning to look up!

I'd forgotten that this month is my birthday month (I’m 18!), so it was time to visit that really nice fellow at 52F, Randy Richmond, for my annual condition inspection. Kinda funny that I never knew him when I lived there (before Louise bought me), but I sure enjoy my visits to his shop. He always spruces me up with tender care and teaches Louise a few more things about how to better attend me. He has a great "eye", and the ability to see things that others miss - even the builders of the airplanes! In addition, his shop is always full of other RVs to hang out with. I love our visits. I had hoped to see my new friends, Flash and Beautiful Doll again, but it didn’t happen. I did briefly see Flash’s dad, Doug, though.


Okay, isn't this cool? I had four RVs to bunk with while at Randy Richmond's shop......1 flying, 1 undergoing reconstruction surgery after a premature landing, and two under construction. They were much more interesting company than that Kitfox!​

Once we left 52F, Louise had a big surprise for me. She flew me into a little residential airpark south of Houston. Once on the ground, I learned that she and Paul are buying a hanger for me there! (Paul is that guy she’s hanging with who did that major surgery on me this winter – good with his hands, and he flies OK.) I am concerned that I’m going to have to share space with the Valkyrie - OK, Ok, it’s a 40x50 foot hangar, so we should have plenty of space, but come on – can’t a guy get a little privacy now and then?

You know, that Val is always looking so nice and new, and yeah, she’s faster than me – but only by a little. And, though her instrument panel is fancier than mine, mine is newer! And I think I have her a little jealous anyway, since Paul spent so much time working with me….but what do you expect? Guys like to hang out together in the workshop! So, how will this work out?

Well, there are some real bright points to the deal. This morning, I got a glimpse of “the girl next door” and she is one, hot, beautiful F1-Rocket!! I mean, drop-dead gorgeous! Then, there’s the potential of far more flying and more amusing acro! I heard that Louise and Paul have some sort of hovel in the back. And, there’s a garage too. That’s OK; I suppose those two need a place to sleep when they aren’t flying me – or keeping the Val clean. They’ve got a half acre lot, so it’s no skin of my nose if they live behind the hangar. There’s even a big yard for my friend Karst, the dog. The airpark is called “Polly Ranch”, (does that mean I have to watch out for low flying parrots? I hate picking those out of my teeth....) – the runway is paved, 2700’ long, and 22’ wide – I guess they’re going to have to keep their feet dancing on that one! Good – I prefer to have my pilots sharp!

Turns out that I’ll be staying here for a little while as the weather in Virginia just isn’t nice enough for me to return home with Louise. (I’m hoping Paul will take me up for some more rolls and loops like last December!) I don’t know for sure when we’re permanently moving yet – probably in a couple of months. I’ll be glad to get back out farther west – Houston isn’t far enough for me or Louise, but she and Paul have promised me that it won’t be permanent – they still plan to move farther west once Paul decides he’s had enough fun flying space ships. I’ve been promised a new place out near San Antonio, they are thinking about going even farther west than that, and Louise does have that great retreat in Southern California, up in the mountains. I guess the future really is bright – I might even learn to like that Val chick – even though her nose sits higher than mine, I think that once I get to know her, I’ll find that she is just interested in great flying and adventures, just like me! Besides, I hear that little sisters are some times the best “in” with the girl-next-door. ;-)
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Now, that's embarassing!

Mikey, I got a ride in 164MS before it had paint or landing gear fairings. Still looks great!

Thanks for the complement. I feel great! But, you know telling a teenager that you remember him in his infancy....when I was naked, no less....is a bit embarrassing. ;)
Hey Mikey, that Rocket next door is registered in Canada......I think she speaks French!!

I did like her accent!

Hey Mikey, that Rocket next door is registered in Canada......I think she speaks French!!Paul
Yep, I noted her unusual accent. And, I thought it was just the result of her "voluptuous" front end! Did you see her climb out of Polly yesterday? Ahhh, I'm pretty sure that I'm in love. Thanks, Paul, for finding me such a great new home!Oh, one question, Paul. Who is that* dowdy yellow plane living in the Val and my hangar? Someone said that she's a relative of the Rocket? Do you think it would help me with the Rocket if I butter her up? :cool:
Who is that* dowdy yellow plane living in the Val and my hangar? Someone said that she's a relative of the Rocket? Do you think it would help me with the Rocket if I butter her up? :cool:

The Orange thing? it's a Maranda homebuilt, and while a bit ungainly, it's for sale.....I'm guessing the Rocket would love ANYONE that would get her cousin married off....;)


I'd never seen one of her kind before, much less flown one!

Once we get everyone settled in to the new digs (it'll be a few months), we'll have to have all of Mikey's friends drop in for a visit. We've got room to park three or four RV's on the apron, and there's more room in the grass down at the end of the runway (about four houses down). Pilot's have to be good at staying on the centerline though - think 52F with a 22 foot wide runway and the houses much closer to the centerline!

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Cute post Mikey,
I haven't even seen the Rocket and I'm in love :)!!

Yep, I noted her unusual accent. And, I thought it was just the result of her "voluptuous" front end! Did you see her climb out of Polly yesterday? Ahhh, I'm pretty sure that I'm in love. Thanks, Paul, for finding me such a great new home!Oh, one question, Paul. Who is that* dowdy yellow plane living in the Val and my hangar? Someone said that she's a relative of the Rocket? Do you think it would help me with the Rocket if I butter her up? :cool:
New Roommate

Don't be so hard on your new roommate...she has feelings too. I'd bet if you asked her for a ride one day you'e be pleasantly surprised. Certainly not fast, just a different mission. Oh, and don't worry about the wings falling off...she has been folding them like that for about 35 years;)
Dan B
Mesa, AZ
Kitfox IV, 912s