




Garmin G3X Dual GDU460 Screen Package. Includes: Dual Displays, ADAHRS, Engine module, remote compass and OAT probe
Garmin 26C Internal Mounted GPS Antenna Garmin GDU460/465 (10") Connector/Install Kit
Garmin GSU25 Connector/Install Kit Garmin GDU Aux RS232 Connector Kit Garmin GEA24 Connector/Install Kit Garmin GMU22 Connector/Install Kit G3X Sensor Kit, 4 Cylinder Lyc/Cont G3X Fuel Pressure Sensor for Injected Engine
Slick Mag RPM sensor (UMA)
Garmin GAD29, ARINC 429 Adapter for G3X
Garmin GAD29 Connector/Install Kit Garmin GMC305/307 Connector/Install Kit Garmin GSA28 Servo Connector/Install Kit TCW IBBS 6amp-hour Li-fe-PO4 back-up battery system
GTR-20 Remote Comm Radio for G3X Touch
Dual GMA-245R Remote Mounted Audio Panel Garmin GTX-45R Remote ADS-B in and out transponder
RV-14 Lower circuit breaker panel
Garmin GSA28 Autopilot Servos
GPS-20A CONNECTOR kit. Garmin WAAS GPS Antenna Garmin GAD-27
GTN-625 Tray only GTN-625 Connector Kit GTN-625 Backplate
GTN-625 Config Module
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Wow! Didn't you get your kit like yesterday?! Moving fast!

Feels like we've been working on it forever and then I look at what we've done (v-stab, h-stab, elevators, rudder, trim-tab) and it doesn't seem like 2 months of work.

I'm building a QB kit, wrapping up the tail-cone now, should be done with the emp in under 2 weeks if we don't have any setbacks.

My QB fuse/wings, and engine should be here in August so I'm a little ahead of schedule on the panel but better than being behind (thanks, SteinAir!)

We're spending somewhere between 25-30 hours per week, two of us. She dimples while I drill or she primes while I rivet, etc. Then when it comes to the hard stuff 4 hands and 2 sets of eyes helps. My helper/girlfriend absolutely loves it and does solid work.
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You are an inspiration, sir. I don't know how you found a helper/girlfriend who loves working on an airplane and does a good job, but I hope you know how special it is.

Just wanted to let you know we're out here watching your posts and trying to learn from them. The QB option is one I haven't considered but your experience may push me that direction. You seem like a man of action -- just the right temperament to tackle a project like this. Good luck and thanks for the posts.
I don't know how you found a helper/girlfriend who loves working on an airplane and does a good job, but I hope you know how special it is.

I have no idea how she puts up with me, but Phoenix rocks and is way smarter than me. Thanks for the compliments! Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you soon.
Amazing progress

i am to the point of trying to figure out all the wires to my Dynon Classic 10 inch panel, Radio, intercom, and peripherals and never thought to do it as you have.

I am in the process of painting the panel and installing the EFIS then hooking up things, it is so INTIMIDATING!

Great work, nice your partner is helping so much bettter when the other half is part of things.
