
Well Known Member
Guys, check out my latest log entry. The right aileron skin has a couple of small dents in it. Vans say that since the dents are so small they can be filled over once the aileron is together and it won't cause any structural or aerodynamic problems. Otherwise they can replace it. Being in NZ shipping takes a while. What are your thoughts?
Do you have all your kit parts? You could always put off that aileron and have them ship the skin with the fuse, etc.

I would probably replace it. It will likely be difficult to fill right there at the TE (at least such that the filler does not crack, etc.) It is just cosmetic, but in my view any dents or defects should be "installed" by me - I like to start with a clean slate!

I agree with TS. I don't need any help adding "character" to my airplane. The shipping thing is an issue, will Van's cover that too, or are you mainly concerned about the wait?

I haven't gotten this far yet, so not even sure it's a player, but, have you tried "pre-bending" in the brake? Might fix it right up.

Replacing it

Hi Guys, thanks for all the comments here or by email. Vans agreed to replace the skin, so I agreed to let them!:p

As you say, I don't 'mind' small dents and dings, but they should be my dents and dings, not someone elses!
