
Well Known Member
We all know that we can get some good cardiovascular exercise while flying (when we scare ourselves) but i have discovered that we can get good solid documentable exercise while flying.

I had the pleasure of flying my RV10 - 31 hours round trip to SNF. On the way back over the southern states we were getting bounced vigorously around by 40+ knot crosswinds. That evening in the hotel room i just happened to look at my iPhone Health app. It showed that we had walked/ran 4.5 kms and climbed 10 floors !
So there you go, dont go for a boring treadmill session - go flying !!


1500 calorie diet

WRT getting in better shape, I was very skeptical at first, but my New Year's resolution was to lose some weight and get into better shape since I'm now hitting my mid 50s. On a whim, I decided to try the 1500 calorie per day diet because it's claimed to be not so much of a big shock on your system and since the typical sedentary adult burns about 2000 calories per day so you're supposed to be able to steadily lose a small amount of weight without being so hungry all the time. Well, combined with some light exercise (walking 3-4 miles at least 3 times a week) I've dropped 25 lbs since Jan 1st and although I've still dealt with some afternoon tummy growling at the office that I used to fill with a trip to the vending machines for a can of soda and junk food, and now fill with a couple glasses of water, this diet hasn't been too bad to handle at all. It's also kinda surprising how much better my RV6 takes off and climbs with only a mere 25 lb reduction of lardass onboard too. I also had to buy several new pairs of jeans since my old ones are way too baggy now.

good on you Neal! maintaining discipline on the weekdays isn't too bad. weekends on the other hand...
I forgot to mention that eliminating beers has been a big component of my diet too. Probably one of the most difficult aspects. :p
But a couple drinks of distilled spirits on the weekend helps, even though any adult beverages still has calories that need to be accounted for. When I reach my desired goal of 160 lbs I will have a beer to celebrate. :D