
Active Member

wer baut mir einen backboard (linken) Tank f?r eine VAN'S RV6 ?

Nachdem ich den Bau meiner eigenen RV7 wegen des gestiegenen Dollars aufgeben musste, habe ich mir eine gebrauchte RV6 gekauft. Leider habe ich auch den gr??ten Teil meines Werkzeugs verkauft, sodass ich selbst den Tank, der mittlerweile an 5-10 Stellen (Nieten) schwitzt , nicht selbst neu bauen kann.

Ich habe ein Angebot aus den USA, wobei aber die Transportkosten in einer Holzbox fast h?her sind, als der Preis f?r den Bau des neuen Tanks.

Bitte e-mail an [email protected] oder Mobil 0152 581 58 662

Es gr??t Joachim Gothe

Who builds me a backboard (left) tank for a VAN'S RV6?

After I had to abandon the construction of my own RV7 because of the increased dollar, I bought a used RV6. Unfortunately, I also sold most of my tools, so I can not build my own tank, which now sweats in 5-10 places (rivets).

I have an offer from the USA, but the transport costs in a wooden box are almost higher than the price for the construction of the new tank.

e-mail an [email protected] oder Mobil +49 152 581 58 662

Greetings Joachim Gothe
I can build it


Who builds me a backboard (left) tank for a VAN'S RV6?

After I had to abandon the construction of my own RV7 because of the increased dollar, I bought a used RV6. Unfortunately, I also sold most of my tools, so I can not build my own tank, which now sweats in 5-10 places (rivets).

I have an offer from the USA, but the transport costs in a wooden box are almost higher than the price for the construction of the new tank.

e-mail an [email protected] oder Mobil +49 152 581 58 662

Greetings Joachim Gothe

Hi Joachim

I have built an RV-9A and am currently building an RV-10.
Recently I built an RV-7 tank for a Danish friend who damaged the left wing in a rough landing.

I live in Cascais - Portugal, very near to Lisbon.
Please send me a private email to [email protected] to discuss the details.

Best regards
RV-6 builder from South Germany

Hello Joachim,
I?m from South Germany and building a RV-6. Have built 3 tanks:)
Made you a Email yesterday, you can contact me if you are interested. I would try to repair your leaking tank.
thank you for the answers. I am very interested. I will contact you on Friday.

CU, Achim
I am also searching for anyone who could build both RV-10 tanks for me. I?m in Austria and maybe there is somebody around.
Thanks for your answers! Christian
I am also searching for anyone who could build both RV-10 tanks for me. I?m in Austria and maybe there is somebody around.
Thanks for your answers! Christian

Hello Christian

I am not around Austria, I am in Portugal, but I already built 3 tanks for the RV-10 (2 for the RV-10 I am now finishing, and one for a fellow builder in France), and also built 2 tanks for my RV-9A, which is already flying.

I could help you building those 2 tanks for your RV-10.
Please contact me to [email protected]

Best wishes
Carlos Trigo