Jim Lewellyn

Well Known Member
I have been looking to purchase a flying RV6 for quite some time and I would appreciate some guidance. I found a very nice 6 with an IO360, wood prop, an IFR steam gauge panel, and a 2 axis AP. The plane was first flown in the mid 90?s and suffered an engine failure (first engine was an O320) resulting in an off field landing. The plane was repaired by an A&P (replaced landing gear, two lower fuse skins, engine and prop) and appears to be well done. The plane weighs 1160 empty. Here are my questions:
1. Since the EW is 1160 and the GW is 1600 is it acceptable to over gross the plane for cross country flights? I weigh 170 and would like to be able to carry a 225 passenger, full fuel and some baggage (maybe 75 lbs.). This would be 1858 pounds. The plane remains within CG at this weight from full to empty fuel. I know this type of question can be a bit touchy to ask. I am just looking for some guidance.
2. How concerned should I be about the resale value due to the damage history?

If this is a parallel valve engine with a wood prop, I think a 225lb. passenger and 75lbs. of baggage is going to put you out of the aft CG box. Also remember, you must figure W&B with minimum fuel as this will be the most aft CG.
Anything over 1850# gross is going beyond utility category.The airplane will probably handle the weight but it will not fly very well. 1160 lbs is extremely heavy for a -6 with a wood prop.
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Thanks for your input. It sounds like I need to revisit the W&B one more time. I realize 1160 EW is very heavy which is why I am being very cautious. I am also considering weighing the plane myself to see if the 1160 EW is accurate (looking at the plane I cant see how it could be so heavy).

Van's Aircraft will never endorse any of their planes over the published gross weight. I wonder why? Do they know something as engineers that we as builders don't know?
Several factors

Norman CYYJ said:
Van's Aircraft will never endorse any of their planes over the published gross weight. I wonder why? Do they know something as engineers that we as builders don't know?

Did I detect a little tongue-in-cheek there, eh? A little math shows that 6 G's at 1650 # = 9900 lbs the wings would feel....more or less..I know, fuel doesn't count but lets not pick nits. At 1858 lbs, your 9900 lbs weight will only take 5.3 G's to reach but still more load than utility category (4.4 G's). Other factors now mean a higher stall/approach speed/takeoff speed and distance. Lower climb rates as well. Heaven only knows what this'll do to spin recovery should you ever go there.. :eek:

The airplane would fly but if you're ramp checked by the Gestap....er FAA, you'd also be in deep doo.
