
Well Known Member
As of today you can place an order for the Gemini ADI and PFD units. ADI delivery will be in October and PFD in November. Thanks!

I wish there was more room available on my panel layout. I would be buying one of these for sure. For now, it may have to wait to my first panel redesign.

I wish there was more room available on my panel layout. I would be buying one of these for sure. For now, it may have to wait to my first panel redesign.

Me too! Looks like a beautiful solution! Next round on my panel.....
PFD on order..........

Hopefully it will show up before my first flight.

It's my backup #4 screen.
AP780 and 880

The AP Geminis aren't ready yet and won't be until the first half of next year.

At this time I can't guarantee the AP versions will be a direct swap to the ADI Pilot II, but most likely it will be.
Will the manual and specifications be posted on the website soon?

On a more general note I have a Dynon D10A as my primary instrument. Just to the left and slightly below is mounted a Turn Coodinator in a standard 3 1/8 round hole. There is excellent access behind the position. I am thinking about removing the turn coordinator and dropping the gemini right in. This gives me a great backup. If I order the EFIS version I assume I can T off the static and pitot lines going to the D10A. Does this require a new IFR recertification and is it likely to introduce any altitude or airspeed errors into the Dynon.
The last question is can the Gemini EFIS legally replace a standard turn coordinator for a IFR panel or do I have to retain it. I know these may sound like basic questions to most on the forum however they are all new issues to me.

The manuals will be available on the site when the respective units are ready to ship.

You can just T into your pitot/static lines. The Gemini will have no effect as it also uses solid state pressure transducers.

The Gemini PFD will have rate of turn indication so I see no reason that it couldn't replace your turn coordinator and conform to the requirements of 91.205d.

I'm by NO means even a layman when it comes to FAR interpretation, so someone please correct me if I didn't understand that right. :D
Thanks for the information! I do plan on ordering one. As discussed in another thread I do hope you consider a HSI display in possible future software updates. It would add utility to the instrument for those of us who plan to use it as a backup instrument. It could be kept in the HSI mode for normal operations with the ADI selected only if needed. A simple basic HSI would be fine.

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

I'm not being too subtle, am I!

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

I'm not being too subtle, am I!


Did anyone else hear something? Lee, could you speak up please. :p
answer for George

local FSDO told me that anytime you crack open the static line you need to redo your IFR cert.
Bill Greenley
RV-10 standard wings
local FSDO told me that anytime you crack open the static line you need to redo your IFR cert.
Bill Greenley
RV-10 standard wings

I was kind of assuming that. Thinking about ordering just the ADI version but for 300 extra the EFIS version sure seems nice. Not sure however how much I actually gain with the EFIS version since it would work off the same pitot static as the D10A. I have a stand alone AOA system to back up airspeed and GPS and the transponder for a rough backup on Altitude.

Decisions Decisions!!
local FSDO told me that anytime you crack open the static line you need to redo your IFR cert.
Bill Greenley
RV-10 standard wings

You only need to redo the static leak check, not the entire cert.

Ref 91.411:(2) Except for the use of system drain and alternate static pressure valves, following any opening and closing of the static pressure system, that system has been tested and inspected and found to comply with paragraph (a), appendix E, of part 43 of this chapter;

Ref 43 Appendix E (a):(a)
Static pressure system:

(1) Ensure freedom from entrapped moisture and restrictions.

(2) Determine that leakage is within the tolerances established in ?23.1325 or ?25.1325, whichever is applicable.
Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

Waiting patiently for the Gemini AP to replace my ADI II as a "drop in".

My thoughts exactly.

Ordering and Gemini AP fitting

Just give Lucas a call to get your order on the books. We don't have website ordering at this time.

Drop in replacement for the ADI Pilot II...well...can I say "almost"? The wiring will be the same (which is also the same for Digiflight / AF Pilot / GX Pilot) and the mounting will be very close to the same. We do have to adjust the locations of the knobs just a little. Lucas will get the drawing posted on the website as soon as it is 100% final. There shouldn't be any problems mounting the Gemini AP where the ADI Pilot II was mounted.

Andrew: Thanks for checking in with the good news.

I can do another instrument panel if I need to, it's the "does it play properly with my existing servo's and harness" question that I'm most interested in. I still have my panel design and Up North Aviation can cut me a new one (and you too, for that matter) in just a week or so, door to door.

You're marketing strategy will be of interest as well when you get that worked out. Many of those with initial interest in the Gemini AP, I would guess, will be those who are already flying with a TruTrak autopilot of a lesser capability, particularly those with ADI II's. Don't know if you're looking at a discounted "upgrade path" to the Gemeni AP or not, but I would think that would be a popular option. Otherwise, a lot of ADI II autopilot control head/attitude displays are going to suddenly show up on the "pre-owned" market.

Anyway, a lot of us have been looking for a product like this (one instrument does it all) for awhile--especially those with "space challenged" instrument panels like the tandem seating series RV's and Rockets. Congratulations on your continued innovation and technical achievements.


For those who called or wrote and have been asking...we also will take your orders (just not your money until they ship).

+1 on the ADI II "drop in" replacement

Understand a new pitch servo will be required for the altitude seek mode but reuse of the existing wiring harness and connectors and pitot/static connections would be a big plus
Understand a new pitch servo will be required for the altitude seek mode but reuse of the existing wiring harness and connectors and pitot/static connections would be a big plus

I suspect the Gemini AP models will require a 37-pin connector, so it won't quite be a direct plug-n-play. We'll do our best though!
More teasing!

Just another little post to whet your appetite. ;) We're very close to release of these.


Lucas, I have a new in the box Digitrack I bought from you but have yet to install. I heard via work of mouth you would take NIB units back on trade. I called and was told you (not you personally) would not. Is that true? Glenn
Lucas, I have a new in the box Digitrack I bought from you but have yet to install. I heard via work of mouth you would take NIB units back on trade. I called and was told you (not you personally) would not. Is that true? Glenn

I can do a trade in for a Digitrak, but the autopilot version of the Gemini will not be available until next year. PM me if you want some more info.

Any updates on having a RMI mode like the Dynon D10A?


George, still no plans at this time. Thanks!
Still waiting.

Has anyone actually received their Gemini ADI? Shipping was to have begun in October. It's the end of November and I'm still waiting.

As of today you can place an order for the Gemini ADI and PFD units. ADI delivery will be in October and PFD in November. Thanks!
Pitch Scale?

With your new Gemini ADI does the pitch scale continue to 90 Deg up and down?
Get 'em while they're hot!

I just wanted to share a pic of the shipping version of the Gemini. A few customers received some pre-production units for evaluation that looked just a touch different but this is what is shipping today. Enjoy!

Sorry for the non-level table. :D

These look fantastic! I am SOOOOOO looking forward to the announcement for the AP units. (my trusty old DFC-250 won't last forever :eek:)

Any idea when the basic PFD will be shipping?
Are the prices still the same as advertised at Osk?
Great stuff Lucas.

Question: is the software field upgradable if you guys decide to make tweaks etc?

With the addition of the TS-83 WiFi/USB Module, yes. You'll also get data logging of flight data.

Any idea when the basic PFD will be shipping?
Are the prices still the same as advertised at Osk?

PFD is approximately 10 weeks away. :( Anyone who wants an ADI now and upgrade to a PFD later will only pay the difference in the two, $300. The prices are the same as shown at Oshkosh.
PFD is approximately 10 weeks away. :( Anyone who wants an ADI now and upgrade to a PFD later will only pay the difference in the two, $300. The prices are the same as shown at Oshkosh.

Good news! Is my $100 discount still valid? :D
Will this thing make a good back up ADI for a G3X setup with the TT GX? Battery back up? Does it need anything more than just a power supply? Airspeed info on any model?