Unfortunately I don't have a good update for you at this time. But, stay tuned for some news in the next few months.
Panel Opening for Gemini AP

Thanks for the response. I'd like to use the Gemini AP as a backup to my primary display (not from TruTrak). I'm cutting my panel and am trying to decide whether to put in one round hole (Gemini AP) or three round holes (ADI Pilot, backup altimeter and backup A/S).
digitrak vs gemini ap780 servos compatibility

I am thinking in upgrading my panel in a few months. Anyone know if the servos and pinout configuration will be the same in the digitrak II and ap780? i would like to change my digitrak for the ap780.

I am thinking in upgrading my panel in a few months. Anyone know if the servos and pinout configuration will be the same in the digitrak II and ap780? i would like to change my digitrak for the ap780.


Only Trutrak can tell you that. I can say that so far, they've been consistant across many of their products. If I was to "guess", I would think the existing Gemini pins would remain the same and that the remaining pins would be assigned to the AP module. But that is purely a guess on my part. You might look at the DGII series as well.

I wouldn't make any decisions or pull wires until they release the product. You don't want any surprizes.
I can't tell you if the Gemini AP will have the same pinout as the Digiflight II, but your current servos will work with it. At this time that's as much as I can offer.