
Well Known Member
Hi there!

Proceeding in putting on the landing Gear on my -8 QB i stumbled over following issue.

Fore and aft of the position where the Gear legs will be there are AN 470 Rivet Heads on the longeron where the Outer Gear Wear Plate U-806 has to be mounted on. So far i couldn?t find any information in the plans whether this is supposed to be like that or not.
I would rather see AN 426 Heads there because this would enable me to mount the U-806 flush on the longerons and not on top of the Rivet Heads.
I could countersink U-806 or replace the AN 470?s with Flush Head Rivets in there.

Has anyone encountered the same situation on a QB Fuse?

What would you do about it?


Have a look at the drawings, drilled my gear last night, I have a slowbuilt fuse, and those rivets are 426, flush rivets.

I had the same issue. The QB guys used the wrong rivets, they should be flush. They were under the already riveted skins and hard to get to.

The way I fixed this (with Vans approval) was to insert the wear plate into position and try to mark the rivet head location on the wear plate. I used a glob of wet torque seal on the rivet head then positioned the wear plate and pressed it against the wet rivet. I then used a drill press and large bit to create a pocket relief in the wear plate. I did not drill through the wear plate. With a couple of try's at messaging the pocket location with a dremmel tool I was able to get the wear plate to sit flush.

I would have sent a picture but my computer is down and i am using my ipad
Problem solved, topic can be closed!

Hi to all out there with the same problem.
I also send the facts to Van?s and their advice was exactly what Al wrote in the previous answer.
So i am gonna do it the exact same way as Al describes, and i am going to keep one copy of the answer from Van?s.

mit Fliegergruss!
