John Collier

Active Member
Anyone ever had there gear towers "creak" when taxxing? I can hear the noise when taxiing...I don't feel any movement or vibrations on the tower. I have access panels on the inside face of the tower...and grove airfoil gear legs. Any help much apprectiated!

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Check the torque on the gear mounting bolts. I suspect that you are hearing the gear moving slightly.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAAST Team Representative
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Check the torque on the gear mounting bolts. I suspect that you are hearing the gear moving slightly.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAAST Team Representative
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

I vote with John - and I'd check those bolts right away (before further flight) to be sure.
Are you certain it's not noise from the brakes conducting it's way up the gear? My RV-7A makes a rattling sound from the brake pads that can, at times, sound like what you are describing. However, the noise immediately ceases with slight pressure on the brakes. If this isn't the cause I agree with previous posters - make sure your gear legs aren't slightly moving in their mounts.
Grab the search function and review the recent threads on gear tower bolts nuts. Its what your hearing.
This will get you started.
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T/W Bearings

Or...check your tail-wheel bearings. I was hearing chirpy-squeeky sound I swore was coming from the in front of me. Turned out the tail-wheel bearings where about the give out of my. The tail-cone acts like a mega-phone and shoots that noise right into your head. As soon as I changed the bearings the noise was gone. Even if this isn't your problem its worth checking those bearings. Easy to do and fix if need be.
I never had this problem untill my first anual, where I torqued the gear bolts up (checking there is still a gap each side of the "U" chanel) Now it squeaks like a bitch!!

That is interesting...I torqued up my loose gear legs on the 1st annual as well. Do you have grove gear legs?

I appears to me that the noise occurs with side-to-side type movement. If you get the wings rocking...then the noise is more prominent.

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I thought you were deployed?


Aren't you deployed in Afghanistan? Didn't realize you took your RV-8 with you.
That is interesting...I torqued up my loose gear legs on the 1st annual as well. Do you have grove gear legs?

I appears to me that the noise occurs with side-to-side type movement. If you get the wings rocking...then the noise is more prominent.


I don't have the plans in front of me but I believe that there is a call out to grease the gear leg area at the attach point prior to final assembly. Perhaps time to re-lube?
I have the grove streamline gear, I used a silicone spray after to try and stop the creaking (god help me if I have to re-paint that area) but not sure if it helped or I just got used to it. Your right though, the noise is at its best on bumpy taxiways when the plane starts to "duck waddle"

Ya'll need to do like me and just smash it into the runway from time to time. Takes all the squeak out ;)