
Active Member
I'm considering the B&C alternator. I'm not sure whether to go with belt driven or gear driven. Can anyone give me the pro's and con's of each.
Depends upon electrical loads and what you wish to do. For a VFR airplane, the vacuum pad works great. The newer B&C alternators actually put out 40 amps and seem to come online around 1200 RPM's. I have verified it will carry the RV-10 Full up load load through a descent, shutdown, startup and climbout, and have the battery fully charged about 15 minutes into the next leg.

If you are planning a full up IFR capable airplane, then a belt-driven one with a standby gear-driven one is usually a best practice.

Agree with what Vic said above. I've got both, but my navigation and fuel system is electron-dependent.