
Well Known Member
I am curious how much room the gear legs actually take up in the 7A interior. I haven't seen the 7A in person. Does the gear really cut down on passenger leg room, or is it tucked under the seats enough to not be a big deal? If anybody has pictures that would show this, or could take some and post them, I'd appreciate it. I'm not a big guy by any means, but I would like to be able to move my legs around a bit in flight.
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gear legs

Following is two pics of the gear leg assembly in my 6A. They have never bothered me, I don't even know they are there.


I notice the gear legs however I'm pretty short and I have my rudder pedals close to me and a thick cushion behind the seat. The gear legs 'just' touch the back of my legs. Not bad, though!
I noticed them

After sitting in a friend's -9A I was disappointed to find the weldment touched the bottom of my leg and felt that would be unacceptable on a long flight.

If comfort is your game, go with the -7 and don't worry about the tailwheel thing, they really aren't that hard to fly. 10 hours of duel and you will be set. Besides, who among us couldn't use 10 more hours of duel?

I notice the fuel pump near the gear leg in your picture. Can you tell us a little about your fuel system. Do you have a separate pump for each tank?


N941WR said:
After sitting in a friend's -9A I was disappointed to find the weldment touched the bottom of my leg and felt that would be unacceptable on a long flight.

I'm another one, at 6'1", who doesn't notice them at all, in my 6A, or the 25 hours of long cross-countries in a friends 9A. My rudder pedals are as full forward as possible.
I really noticed them the first and only time I flew in a 9A--Van's. That said, everyone I've heard who takes the time to get used to them, finds they don't bother them. Thus, the fact that they are there isn't helping me make my decision any easier. I suspect they would bug you for a few hours and then you'd forget about them.

No Big Deal

I've got about 15 hours PIC now in a friend's -6A. I've found the weldments to not interfere at all. I'm about 6 feet tall. The weldments are actually sort of nice to use to prop up your feet.
rv9builder said:

I notice the fuel pump near the gear leg in your picture. Can you tell us a little about your fuel system. Do you have a separate pump for each tank?



Sorry this is sort of off the topic. I wanted to answer his question. Mark, that fuel pump location is the standard RV-6/6A location unless you go with the newer style of putting it on the firewall using the newer RV-7 parts. Along with moving the battery box out from between the seats you can then use the RV-7 firewall forward kit for the RV-6. There is only one electric pump.

On the topic-I don't really notice the gear weldments when I ride in my friends' RV-6A's as much as I notice I like to rest my left foot on the corner of their battery box.