ron sterba

Well Known Member
Bought the gear leg intersection fairings from Cleveland tools. No instructions in box,is there a website or videos of installation on this after market kit on a RV9A

Ron in Oregon, RV9A twenty five hours of fun!
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Are you talking about the intersection fairings?

If so, send me your email. Instructions await you.
Yes they are intersection fairings and pretty nice if I might add. Sent you a email. Thanks Bill. Waiting your arrival,sitting in hangar.

Thanks Bill
Their instructions were certainly lacking. Hope this will help:

Thanks Mike, was wondering about attachment on that intersection fairing. Have you done the lower one on wheel pant. On the bracket off the axle nut ( plans C-2 & C-3 ) shows rivets attachment to wheel pants. Did you install platenuts instead?

Much appreciated.
Ron in Oregon RV9A 25 hours,would have more if it would stop Raining!

This is just something you kind of have to make fit yourself since every plane is a bit different, especially around the wheel pants. And, depending on whether you are A-model or taildragger, where you place screws at the top will differ. All that is why, I suspect, they don't bother with detailed instructions.

To answer your last question, I first screwed the fairing to the wheelpant. However, because it made removing wheel pants for inspections and adding air a pain (because you had to remove 5-6 additional screws), I eventually split the fairings down the middle and bonded them to the wheel pant. Much happier that way.

Good luck.
Mike and Bill thanks for your expertise. Yes Bill I did get first copy and second,Sorry for the delay, wife demanded I get going with installing a solar tube light in the bedroom to the roof.Mike thanks for the measurements and picture. Yep it will get me on my way with clarity and my own fitting. Mike you talked about splitting the fairing at the wheel pant. So is the bottom half of the wheel pant intersection fairing permanently attached to the gear leg fairing?
You mentioned putting air in the tire and making it easier to do that task. Was wondering about a little door with a push button latch ( like the one on cowl check oil door) or maybe a 1 1/2" hole with chrome plug. They the plugs at Lowes in Hardware (bolts and screw section).

Much appreciated your inputs

Ron in Oregon RV9A
Thanks Mike, was wondering about attachment on that intersection fairing. Have you done the lower one on wheel pant. On the bracket off the axle nut ( plans C-2 & C-3 ) shows rivets attachment to wheel pants. Did you install platenuts instead?

Much appreciated.
Ron in Oregon RV9A 25 hours,would have more if it would stop Raining!

I used rivets per Vans DWG C-2 on the U-808 brackets.

Thanks Steve, sounds pretty streamline for visual presentation. You have a picture? Thanks Mike,nice fabrication job! Looks great. Anybody's thoughts are sure welcome. Any thoughts on a little door for air hose & gauge? Thanks

Ron in Oregon. RV9A 320-D1A Catto Prop
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