Well Known Member
What is the thickness and width of the piano hinge supplied for the RV 8 gear leg fairings? Or the MS# stamped into it? Either one is appreciated.
MS20257P2 , P3, P4 or P5?
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Use P3 or P4. P2 is on the small side IMHO. P5 is too much.

Alternatively, source a piece of MS20001 - P3 or P4. There's less movement with the extruded hinge.
HINGE PIANO 063 is called out.
That hinge is not stamped with any AN or MS number and has the small (flexible) 1/16 stainless pin. The hinge is 1-1/4” wide. It is the lightest hinge used. With the small pin, you can flex it to get it into the leg fairing easier.