Doug Rohrer

Well Known Member
I am nearing the point I need to assemble the wheels, tires, brakes, pants, etc. on my RV-9A build. I am waiting on panel stuff, and don't want to put the fuse up on the gear until after I am done with wiring. I like having the fuse on a low sawhorse for that. Is there any reason I can't do the main gear assembly by clamping the gear leg in a vise and working on it upside down? Any watch-outs?
I did my gear & fairings on my -7 taildragger by temporarily sitting the bare fuselage (no motor) on a surface high enough to clear the gear & tires. I leveled it in flight attitude & did all the alignments, drilling, etc, then removed the gear & returned the fuselage to the low dolly.

I'd think doing the alignments while upside down would be fairly tough without having the floor for marking reference points/lines. Maybe you have ideas on how to manage it.

Just assembling the brake assys could easily be done the the leg clamped to the bench. That's probably what I did, though I don't recall for sure.

Go for it

Yeah no problem doing it on desktop. Not much to align with 7 & 9s. If you do end up on gear you can build a simple platform on side to stand on to raise your workspace. That is what I did on my 8 and it stayed until wings were on. Made out of finish kit crates and 2x6
He did mention pants, etc. Pants & leg fairings do require alignment, at least on the taildraggers. I'd have thought it would be similar on the trikes.