Well Known Member
This might be a technical question for the G3Xpert - but maybe someone else might know.

What i am trying to achieve is a Master Warning / Master Caution annunciator similar to something you would see in a certified jet. I.e. When a RED or AMBER CAS occurs, the indicator flashes. Once you press it, it stops flashing. If another RED or AMBER occurs, then it flashes again (even if the first red message is still displayed on the screen).

So, my question is twofold:
1. On the GEA24 (EIS) there are pins 44/45 on J244 which are pulled to low then "A CAS Alert is Active". - Does anyone know exactly that this means? I.e. Is the pin only pulled low when the message is FLASHING on the screen and it reverts to floating when you have pressed the ENT key? Or does it remain low the whole time the message is on the screen?

2. Is there any way to have the CAS acknowledgment using the ENT key, be done with a remote button? I.e. When a message flashes on the screen, you can press a remote button to acknowledge it and stop it flashing (instead of the ENT key).

This is a technical question down in the weeds i know, but can't find the answer in the installation manual (rev AQ) or the pilot guide!

Anyway, what would be cool is if i could make a flashing button driven by an Arduino card which looks at pins 44/45. If one goes low, it flashes the appropriate side of the button on the panel. When you push it, it stops the flashing and at the same time brings to low a line to an unknown (maybe non-existent) pin on the G3X which acknowledges the CAS (instead of the ENT key) and stops the message flashing on the screen.

Not an important part of the build - but a fun and seemingly risk free project.
Master warning

I have a master warning and master caution light installed. I asked about what you are asking awhile back. What I was told is that, currently, the only way to cancel the warning/caution is to rectify the issue. That makes it basically impossible to reset the master lights without actually clearing the fault…

That was a few years ago but I haven’t seen any update that would ad the functionality you are asking for.

If you find something different, please post about it!

I'm pretty sure you are stuck on the reset feature unless it magically appears in a future update

The problem with the pin would be catching the second annunciation.

Scope creep ahead....

If you are willing to ask the Arudino to do more....

The G3X can output "Text Out" to a serial output. Can't prove it from my quick review of the installation docs but I'd bet the output has the CAS indicators in the "EIS Complete Data Message Format" messages. I wasn't able to find a list of parameters IDs that would prove it, but the CAS indications are included in the text file written to the SD Card so I'm optimistic.

Read the stream, look for changes and implement your own logic.

One other warning, things like Earth X batteries and CO alerts actually "blink" the input, so they would look like a new annunciation every second.....

More of a toy than anything else, but could be fun....
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So, my question is twofold:
1. On the GEA24 (EIS) there are pins 44/45 on J244 which are pulled to low then "A CAS Alert is Active". - Does anyone know exactly that this means?
If you connect this to a LED or warning type light on your panel, this would be the ground connection to that LED. Once the warning or caution alert has been met, the LED will go on.

I have these warning lights on my panel, reason is that I believe they may get my attention better than the warning that will pop on the G3X.
There were several requests regarding this issue in the G3X Touch feature request thread, but Garmin doesn't listen for some reason πŸ˜‚
Surely this is the way the g1000 works in the kingair etc?

You are right, this text is copied from the G1000 Integrated Flight Deck guide:

"Pressing the Master Warning Indicator acknowledges all flashing red messages, extinguishing the master warning lights, and stops warning message flashing." -the same is valid for the yellow caution msgs.

It would be perfect if the G3X Touch would follow the same logic. There is no necessity to implement additional wiring for a push to cancel button; speaking for me I would be OK with confirming the CAS msg by touching it on the G3X screen and this would extinguish the master/caution warning lights.. A newly generated msg would trigger the respective warning/caution light again.
speaking for me I would be OK with confirming the CAS msg by touching it on the G3X screen and this would extinguish the master/caution warning lights.. A newly generated msg would trigger the respective warning/caution light again.

Just so I have my mind straight on how the g3x works now - assuming you had power to a red light then to the appropriate pin. Once a red message pops up, it pops up flashing and the external red light would come on. You would acknowledge it using the ENT key or touching the message on the screen and it stops flashing.

BUT - the external red light would stay on right? Because there is still an active red message on the screen? (But not flashing)

If this is how it works is pretty non-standard and a bit unsatisfactory honestly. Not much point of an external light other than to alert you to the FIRST red message.
CAS Acknowledge Input

There were several requests regarding this issue in the G3X Touch feature request thread, but Garmin doesn't listen for some reason πŸ˜‚

We are listening 😁

We have changes to the way this works on our roadmap. Although we don't have a release date for this group of changes at this point, I can assure you it is something we have been working on in response to the community suggestions to improve this aspect of the system.


We are listening 😁

We have changes to the way this works on our roadmap. Although we don't have a release date for this group of changes at this point, I can assure you it is something we have been working on in response to the community suggestions to improve this aspect of the system.



Nice Justin!!

Would be a nice little polish to what sounds like a good system.

I’m ever fearful of course I’ll wire up the machine only to find the pins have all changed etc 🀣
Very good news Justin πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

We are listening 😁

We have changes to the way this works on our roadmap. Although we don't have a release date for this group of changes at this point, I can assure you it is something we have been working on in response to the community suggestions to improve this aspect of the system.

