Robert Anglin

Well Known Member
Sorry to take up so much of the time here. With the new "ADS-B" starting to come on line off our cell-towers. Is there a another reason to go with the 375 over the 370 other than the XM and sat musak tuner that is in the 375?
I see there is a little more weight in the 375 vs. the 370. I am guessing it is do to the radio music tuner or receaver as it is. Also I can't get an answer from the Garmin Rep other than he dose not know if or when, but dose anone know if the G3X is do for an upgrade to toughscreen any time soon if at all?
I have a GDU375, but don't use the Attitude/engine capability because I have a AFS4500.

When I built the GDU375 was just out and rumored to have Attitude/Engine monitor in the future. That didn't take long for Garmin to upgrade it!

Also, I didn't know the GDL39 was coming. If I did, I would have only got the GDU370.

I just dumped my XM because the GDL39 is awesome!

If it was me I would WAiT until the G4X touchscreen comes out! I'm thinking it will also have a faster processor. With all the upgrades over the years it seems the G3X is slowing down a little.
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The 375 is simply the 370 with an XM receiver built in.

I still plan to install a 375 just to have the option for XM if I want it or for future resell value even though I currently have canceled my XM weather and have been using the GDL39 with my 796.
Where are you at in your build? If you're close to finishing, go with what's out there now. If you're not, wait until you get closer as the speed of change in avionics these days is amazing. ADS-B coverage is getting better, but it's not perfect plus XM has WX products not available over ADS-B. So it all depends on your mission and personal preference.

There's a number of threads over on AOPA that go into the pros and cons of XM vs. ADS-B if you want more in depth info. However, it would appear that many are dropping XM (cost and poor customer service) for ADS-B (GDL39 or EFB with an ADS-B box: eg iPad running ForeFlight paired with a bluetooth Stratus or similar receiver).

I've got a G3X system and a GTN 650 which I've only been hangar flying to this point. I have been flying behind a G1000 for my IR. So after exposure to both interfaces, to be honest the touch screen stuff is fine but not on my list of got to have features. If the Nav capabilities (like airways) on the 650 had been put into the GNS 430W I'd have been just as happy to go with a 430.
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On this so you guys will have what I picked up from Garmin in person Per one of their district Reps. He has talked to the contractors that are putting up the new boxes for the FAA. They are being put on top of cell towers. The work is to be done in less than a year from now as they have been bringing them on line one at a time. The new boxes look up and are land line DSL to big brother. This way center will have a 1 second refresh, up from the old radar sweep 12 second carrosell. These transponders can relay ship to ship and land gatherd data up to anyone in the system. The old 9.6 bod Radars are going down all the time now being so old. This new setup will be much better. Also the test that Garmin has been doing on XM vs. ADS-b wether showed that the new setup is getting bestter all along and will in a short time be as good or better than the XM setup is now. Thanks for you help on these questions, please keep it up. Yours as always R.E.A. III #80888

Aftert pulling up tods post this morrning I remembered that I had forgot the other info that the Garmin guy had shown us. That is that the G-1000, G500, and the G3X all shair the same size fonts and shair most of the same softwear to opperate. The Data is just compressed into a smaller area of screen space. Oh and this had to do with Comm's but for those of use that have three big TCA'a along a 900 mile nonstop. The 10 wat and 16 wat radios are all 16 wat capable. Softwear upgrade turns the output up to 16.
Thanks guys keep up the good work. Yours as always R.E.A. III #80888
Answer from G

I did get an answer back from Garmin. As most of you guys know you have to find one of the Reps off the recard and on foot to get a little behind the seans take on what may be coming down the pipe. The word from Garmin through the front door is as exspected. If there is any new stuff coming it will be heard from at Sun&Fun or the Big Show in July.. I tryed! Thanks for the help on this one. Your as always R.E.A. III