
Well Known Member
I just completed installation of the GARMIN GDL 82 in my RV6A. It is working perfectly after a fairly straightforward installation

A pilot buddy who unfortunately flies a ?certified ? airplane would like to install the GDL 82 in his plane. I know the GDL 82 is approved for certified aircraft.

The question is : can an A&P install the GDL82 or is a 337 signed off by an IA required?
There is a "gottcha" for the AP/IA though, you must comply with the installation manual which includes the following statement:

Use a ramp tester to verify the existing transponder system?s peak output power and receiver sensitivity is compatible with the GDL 82 before installation. The GDL 82 introduces up to 1.5 dB loss in the transmission line as measured at the antenna output.

Verify that the peak output power and
sensitivity meet the required minimums.
Peak Output Power:
Class A: > 21.0 dBw (125 watts)
Class B: > 18.5 dBw (70 watts)
Receiver Sensitivity (MTL):
Any Class: MTL = -73 +4 dBm
I seem to recall an AC somewhere that classifies ADS-B installs as minor changes, in which case an A&P can install and just log it in the aircraft log book. No 337 required.

As one of the other posters commented, you still need to install per the manual, and many A&P's may not have the equipment or the training necessary to do so.

I seem to recall an AC somewhere that classifies ADS-B installs as minor changes, in which case an A&P can install and just log it in the aircraft log book. No 337 required.

As one of the other posters commented, you still need to install per the manual, and many A&P's may not have the equipment or the training necessary to do so.


On a certified aircraft you can do the install as a minor alteration but the FAA still wants a signed 337, doesn't make much sense but thats the way the memorandums and tech papers read.