Yes, just got done last week. Mounted it in avionics area forward of fuse panel, added the "Failure light" ...mounted antenna next to GPS Nav antenna, used RG 400, also when you load the Garmin installation tool on your lap top, press your Windows button on keypad and search GDL otherwise you'll just have the uninstall tool in your downloads, this threw me off and I had to call Garmin, otherwise not too bad, also I spliced into the Red power wire for the Transponder for power.
I did the gdl82/327 combo in my Just Superstol, it?s works great. I love the anonymous mode for off airport shenanigans ! Easy to install and set up.
I did the gdl82/327 combo in my Just Superstol, it’s works great. I love the anonymous mode for off airport shenanigans ! Easy to install and set up.

The FAA still sees and knows who you are. This just shields your N-number from the dirty masses. Any shenanigans done while your system is on, stay online somewhere, in an ultrasecure FAA server - forever.
The FAA still sees and knows who you are. This just shields your N-number from the dirty masses. Any shenanigans done while your system is on, stay online somewhere, in an ultrasecure FAA server - forever.

Reference please?
I added the GDL 82 to my RV 12. The harness is easy to make if you have the proper crimper, same for the RG 400 cables for the antenna and GPS. Software from Garmin makes the configuration simple. I received confirmation from the FAA that everything is working correctly and I am now waiting on the rebate to arrive.
I don't mean to be confrontational on the point. If any Federal agency can ID an aircraft, I would like to know exactly how they do it.

1200 code, anonymous exactly are we tracked? Tech please.

The FAA still sees and knows who you are. This just shields your N-number from the dirty masses. Any shenanigans done while your system is on, stay online somewhere, in an ultrasecure FAA server - forever.

Are you suggesting that Garmin conspired with the FAA to transmit a code only decipherable by the FAA while lying to all of us that we are anonymous?
Other than the first few seconds on start up that Dan H described I am going to believe Garmin.
Are you suggesting that Garmin conspired with the FAA to transmit a code only decipherable by the FAA while lying to all of us that we are anonymous?
Other than the first few seconds on start up that Dan H described I am going to believe Garmin.
Conspired, no. But I find it highly improbable and out of character to think the FAA would allow any device to transmit into the ADS-B system that was not fully identifiable. I have the GDL-82 and have installed the anonymous mode switch, but at this point in time, I believe I am identifiable in the FAA system. Those who believe you're anonymous - go do some acro in Class B or under an airway and get back with us. I will be impressed, but still not likely to follow your lead without more proof.
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Conspired, no. But I find it highly improbable and out of character to think the FAA would allow any device to transmit into the ADS-B system that was not fully identifiable. I have the GDL-82 and have installed the anonymous mode switch, but at this point in time, I believe I am identifiable in the FAA system.

Ahh, so what you meant to say was "In my opinion, the FAA still sees and knows who you are."

That's fair. We're all welcome to have an opinion.

Not quite on the same wavelength but in the UK even if you withhold your mobile (cell) number the police will know who sent it anyway.
The FAA still sees and knows who you are. This just shields your N-number from the dirty masses. Any shenanigans done while your system is on, stay online somewhere, in an ultrasecure FAA server - forever.

I don't believe this to be true. ADS-B transmits your ICAO code (the N number) and a Flight ID (also your N number, but can be if you're doing an Angel Flight, you may be ANGL55 etc.. or an airliner may be UA335).

If you are using a UAT transmitter AND you haven't filed a flight plan (or have requested ATC services) AND are squawking 1200, then you may transmit a randomized ICAO code and a blank Flight ID by pressing a dedicated button.

The -only- way big brother can track you is if the FAA or an ads-b receiver hears an unintentional squawk from you upon power-up* (or before you press your privacy button). In that case, its technically possible to associate the remainder of your flight with your N-number.. since in real life, god doesn't pull your pre-privacyized airplane out of the air at whatever GPS coordinates you announced, and insert someone else's plane at that same spot [after you press the button]...

*The TSO describing the system says that your unit must default to your correct ICAO code and N-number as your Flight ID on power-on. See AC 20-165.

If you are not using a UAT transmitter to be 2020 compliant and are using 1090ES, then there is no privacy provision available.. however, last I checked they were trying to change this rule.
*The TSO describing the system says that your unit must default to your correct ICAO code and N-number as your Flight ID on power-on. See AC 20-165.

The advisory "requirements" of AC20-165B are based on DO-282B. Regardless of AC wording, there is no requirement in DO-282B to transmit the aircraft?s assigned ICAO 24-bit address during initial power on.
Breaking your GPS position by inverting your antenna too long may kick you out of Anonymous mode. Reported by aeroabatic types.

Starting under a mode 3A code other than 1200 and later being code 1200 and Anonymous may allow tracking. Flightaware selection of "position only" flights will show received, non-anonymous info.

Drift to the longer-term test thread, I think I have a solution for the uAvionix UATs.
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Drift to the longer-term test thread, I think I have a solution for the uAvionix UATs.

OK, Please tell the solution, as I'm probably getting an uAvionix.:cool:
Does anybody know the status of the lawsuit Garmin brought against uAvionix for patent infringement?
Does anybody know the status of the lawsuit Garmin brought against uAvionix for patent infringement?

The short of it is that Garmin is ready to go to court yesterday. uAvionix is happy with the February 2020 bench trail date. The court agreed to keeping the original schedule. uAvionix does not seem to want to engage with Garmin to explain how their product does not infringe.. seems like a long road ahead. If you have to choose between their two products...I don't know.. They are both sub-$2000, but there's a chance skyBeacon won't be on the market one day. Garmin had their patent before uAvionix.

(Here) is the latest joint status statement from a couple weeks ago (4 pages).
And the original complaint by Garmin here (112 pages)
The short of it is that Garmin is ready to go to court yesterday. uAvionix is happy with the February 2020 bench trail date. The court agreed to keeping the original schedule. uAvionix does not seem to want to engage with Garmin to explain how their product does not infringe.. seems like a long road ahead. If you have to choose between their two products...I don't know.. They are both sub-$2000, but there's a chance skyBeacon won't be on the market one day. Garmin had their patent before uAvionix.

(Here) is the latest joint status statement from a couple weeks ago (4 pages).
And the original complaint by Garmin here (112 pages)
Very helpful post.
Thank you.:)
The FAA still sees and knows who you are. This just shields your N-number from the dirty masses. Any shenanigans done while your system is on, stay online somewhere, in an ultrasecure FAA server - forever.

For those like me who have been studying, following and using "anonymous mode" for 5 years I say your statement is conjecture at best. I have experience with FreeFlight Rangr, Garmin GDL 88, Garmin GDL 82 and Uavionix UAT products under anonymous mode with the randomized ICAO code. I have talked at extent to regulators and avionics manufacturers. UAT anonymous is truly anonymous. Where did you get your information?

This thread prompted me to look at FAR 91.227 out of curiosity. It looks like when you don?t file a flight plan or request ATC services you can Omit your call sign and ICAO code but if you file or request ATC services you have to broadcast your ICAO code. See 91.227(d) (8) and (11).
This thread prompted me to look at FAR 91.227 out of curiosity. It looks like when you don?t file a flight plan or request ATC services you can Omit your call sign and ICAO code but if you file or request ATC services you have to broadcast your ICAO code. See 91.227(d) (8) and (11).

Yes. Exactly right. That is specifically why the anonymous switch only works when squawking VFR code (1200 in USA). That's when the ICAO code is scrambled and randomized. Any other discrete code entered into the transponder disables anonymous mode and transmits the true ICAO code regardless of the switch position. And there are certain circumstances where ATC requires non-anonymous mode even whilst squawking VFR which is why the FAA doesn't allow automatic anonymous mode (i.e. permanently grounding pin 5 on the GDL 82 to airframe ground point) but rather requires a pilot selectable switch (grounds pin 5 through the switch for enabling anonymous mode). For example, I believe flying on a VFR flight plan and squawking 1200 then anonymous mode must be disabled.

It's for SAR as much as anything else.

Aircraft that is equipped with ADS-B avionics on the UAT datalink have a feature that allows it to broadcast an anonymous 24-bit ICAO address. In this mode, the UAT system creates a randomized address that does not match the actual ICAO address assigned to the aircraft. After January 1, 2020, and in the airspace identified in ? 91.225, the UAT anonymous 24-bit address feature may only be used when the operator has not filed a flight plan and is not requesting ATC services. In the anonymity mode, the aircraft's beacon code must set to 1200, and depending on the manufacturer's implementation, the aircraft's call sign might not be transmitted. Operators should be aware that in UAT anonymous mode they will not be eligible to receive ATC separation and flight following services, and will likely not benefit from enhanced ADS-B search and rescue capabilities.
Interesting. The AIM says VFR or IFR. 91.227 (d)8 and 11 simply says "flight plan". I have to agree with Jim's interpretation...if you file any flight plan, you can't go anonymous, even when squawking 1200.

Thank you gentlemen.