
Well Known Member
Has any one used the bare wire connector on the gdl39 to the bare wire connector on the 796. What wires need to be connectod. I already have my auto pilot connected to the blue tx out, serial 1.
Hello David,

Reference Appendix D in the aera 795/796 Pilot's Guide and pages 3-5 & 3-6 in the GDL 39 User's Guide. For this type of application you can connect the two units as follows:

  • TX1 wire (blue) on aera 796 to GDL 39 RxA wire (white/green)
  • RX1 wire (yellow) on aera 796 to GDL 39 TxA wire (green)
  • TX2 wire (orange) on aera 796 to third-party NMEA device
  • RX2 wire (purple) on aera 796 - no connection

Select "Garmin Data Transfer" for the #1 serial port format and "NMEA Out" for the #2 serial port format. Don't forget to update your aera 796 software first.

- Matt
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great support

Matt, thanks for the great support , you guys updated my 796 at the show. Does the gdl need a update ? Thanks again , this is the kind of support that helps my decision making when updating equipment .
Matt, thanks for the great support , you guys updated my 796 at the show. Does the gdl need a update ?


When you get your aera and GDL 39 hooked up with the correct serial port format selected, you should see a "Data Link Information" page appear in the main menu. The first time you connect the two units together, the aera will update your GDL 39's software automatically, if it does not already have the current version (2.20). It takes just a few minutes and you can use the Data Link Info page to monitor its progress.

have a good weekend,
- Matt
Matt, I thought someone in the Garmin tent told me that the GDL had to use serial port 1 ?

With the 795/796 when you use the pre-made portable cable with the GPS cradle and the 12v plug on it, it connects to serial port #1.

I connected my bare wire cable to serial port #1 as well just because that is how the pre-made cable worked.

I forgot to check and see if there was an option for Garmin transfer on the second port. I can check this afternoon but I am sure Matt or Steve will chime in on that...
GDL39 to 696

How about connections to a 696 using the bare wire cable? Currently using a GTX330ES (TIS traffic) and autopilot.
Matt, I thought someone in the Garmin tent told me that the GDL had to use serial port 1 ?

Oops, that's what I get for going by memory on a weekend when I don't have the unit in front of me! You are correct, and I have edited the previous post accordingly.

- Matt

Just got back from a test flight for the GDL on the 796. When I took off I had air to air data but on climb out I lost it. Just climbed to 3500 and flew around for awile but could not get it back, red message "No Data". Back on the ground I de cowled it looked at all of the connections everything looked good all connections soldered and heat shrunk. Tried it again and I had data again. Any ideas?

The next thing to do would to make sure that the GPS unit can communicate with the GDL 39. Go to the Data Link Information page and make sure everything looks valid. If not, I would suspect a wiring issue. Another thing you could try is to call our Aviation Product Support hotline while you are sitting in the airplane and someone should be able to talk you through the next troubleshooting steps: 866-739-5687 (0700 to 1900 CDT)

good luck,
- Matt
Thanks Guys

Thanks Brian and Matt (and Doug). The info contained in this thread saved me a lot of researching. I was able to go directly to the sources and set everything up. Flight tested the GDL-39/796 today and I am quite pleased. XM is the only loser in this deal. Now to find a permanent place for that pesky antenna. I have it velcroed to the glare shield at the moment. It may stay there but on a tip-up there is always the chance of pulling something apart when you open it.
Old thread - still valid?

Hello David,

Reference Appendix D in the aera 795/796 Pilot's Guide and pages 3-5 & 3-6 in the GDL 39 User's Guide. For this type of application you can connect the two units as follows:

  • TX1 wire (blue) on aera 796 to GDL 39 RxA wire (white/green)
  • RX1 wire (yellow) on aera 796 to GDL 39 TxA wire (green)
  • TX2 wire (orange) on aera 796 to third-party NMEA device
  • RX2 wire (purple) on aera 796 - no connection

Select "Garmin Data Transfer" for the #1 serial port format and "NMEA Out" for the #2 serial port format. Don't forget to update your aera 796 software first.

- Matt

Have the software updates changed this, or is it still essential to put the GDL 39 on Aera 795 serial port 1 and use port 2 for A/P?

I am headed to the hangar tomorrow to hard wire the GDL 39 3D to the 795 with bare wire cable, and cannot recall if I already have the autopilot connected to TX1 or TX2. Easy enough to move it over, but don't want to if I don't have to.

Have the software updates changed this, or is it still essential to put the GDL 39 on Aera 795 serial port 1 and use port 2 for A/P?

I am headed to the hangar tomorrow to hard wire the GDL 39 3D to the 795 with bare wire cable, and cannot recall if I already have the autopilot connected to TX1 or TX2. Easy enough to move it over, but don't want to if I don't have to.


Hello Bill,

Yes, as specified on page 188 of the Rev. C Pilot Guide, a GDL 39/39 3D/39R must be connected to Serial Port 1 on an Aera 795/796. You will notice that the Garmin Data Transfer format selection used to communicate with a GDL 39 is only available for Serial Port 1.

Just for reference, a GDL 39 may be connected to either serial port on the Aera 660.

Thanks, Steve!

At least now I'm clear on what I have to do when I'm under the instrument panel next time this week :D
Hello David,

Reference Appendix D in the aera 795/796 Pilot's Guide and pages 3-5 & 3-6 in the GDL 39 User's Guide. For this type of application you can connect the two units as follows:

  • TX1 wire (blue) on aera 796 to GDL 39 RxA wire (white/green)
  • RX1 wire (yellow) on aera 796 to GDL 39 TxA wire (green)
  • TX2 wire (orange) on aera 796 to third-party NMEA device
  • RX2 wire (purple) on aera 796 - no connection

Select "Garmin Data Transfer" for the #1 serial port format and "NMEA Out" for the #2 serial port format. Don't forget to update your aera 796 software first.

- Matt
Thanks Matt for the info ...
does that apply to GARMIN GDL50 with bare wire connection to aera 796
Aera 796 GDL 50 Interface

Thanks Matt for the info ...
does that apply to GARMIN GDL50 with bare wire connection to aera 796

The GDL 50 can be wired to the Aera 796. Serial port 1 on the Aera 796 must be used for this interface. Serial port 2 on the Aera 796 would still be available for a second interface. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

