
Active Member
I know that the -39 will send a GPS position via Bluetooth to an iPad running Garmin's software. Will it work for a non-Garmin program, like Foreflight, too?
Garmin only

No! There are currently 2 units that will work with WingX and at least 1 that is designed for Foreflight.
Aeras too

...and the Aera 5xx series of portable GPS units through a GDL39-Aera 5xx cable.

Garmin Pilot does not recognize GDL 39

I'm having trouble getting Garmin Pilot to see my GDL-39 equipped RV-7.

The GDL-39 is remote mounted as part of a dual G3X (GDU370) system. Garmin Pilot, version 4.2.2 is running on a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro, Android ver. 4.4.2.

On the tablet, Under Settings/Connections/Bluetooth, the GDL39 shows as available, and paired. However, in GP /Settings, there is no GDL Tab. Under Settings/ GPS tab, the "External Bluetooth GPS" initially showed a spinning circle as if it was about to connect, but then the button is grayed out.

Interestingly, when I attempted to pair my Dual GPS to the GP, it hooked up without a problem, and the "External Bluetooth" button showed orange, and a blue "Connect" Button showed up... When I pushed it, I then had a solid GPS position indication pulsing on the Map Screen, and the "External Bluetooth GPS" button turned to green, so the Dual works normally with GP.

I did try rebooting the tablet and the Garmin ap, no joy.
The GDL39 is properly displaying traffic on the G3X map screen.

Any ideas what to try now?
One more piece of information about the GDL39 and tablet linking problem:

on the Tablet / Settings / Bluetooth page, under the list of Available and Paired devices, the GDL 39 shows a "headset" icon next to it, and the Dual GPS has a "map with a pin" icon next to it... Not sure if that is significant. Perhaps the Android sees the GDL as some other kind of device besides GPS?
Yes, that is likely significant - very much so perhaps. Have you tried unpairing and then re-pairing? And probably important to make sure the Dual is not connected at the same time you re-pair.
Yes, that is significant - very. Have you tried unpairing and then re-pairing? And probably important to make sure the Dual is not connected at the same time you re-pair.

Yeah, I have tried numerous times to unpair and repair the GDL39 in the airplane... The Dual I was playing with at home after the flight. Thanks for the suggestion.

If the GDL was not remote mounted I could turn it on an off...
Just an update here if anyone else has a similar problem. Thanks to G3Xpert, I got it working.

I had been following the instructions in the GP owners manual to connect, but since the recent version update, the manual is not current. The new "Connext" feature has a tab with controls for the GDL39, and I was easily able to get the GDL39 talking to my Galaxy Tablet and now I have traffic and weather too.

Thanks, g3xpert!

BTW, does anyone know how many devices one Garmin Pilot subscription will support? I have GP on my tablet and my smartphone, but I am wondering if it will support a 3rd device/tablet for the passenger.

BTW, does anyone know how many devices one Garmin Pilot subscription will support? I have GP on my tablet and my smartphone, but I am wondering if it will support a 3rd device/tablet for the passenger.

It's limited to two devices.
GDL39 GPS position to IOS devices

In response to the original post I believe the GDL39 will supply GPS position for Foreflight or any other IOS app that needs GPS position as it uses the normal IOS protocol/interface. There was a thread about this when the unit first came out, basically it acts like a elf or dual GPS device with a wifi iPad. The other ADSB elements such as traffic and weather do not work with Foreflight, only with the Garmin app.
GDL Failure

I purchased my GDL unit at Oshkosh in 2012. While it is 3 years old it probably has not been used more than 45 hours total. It will no longer turn on. I have it through a 795 Aera and my friend ferried my plane down to Florida and he could not use the weather feature. Anyone else have similar problems or remedies? Will take it to SunNFun in a week.