
Well Known Member
The FAA said that on January 1 2016 they would require a certified GPS stream to wake up the towers. I am thinking about buying a Garmin GDL 39 3D to use in multiple airplanes. Can someone let me know if the GDL 39 still works now? Has there been any change as to what data you get since the beginning of the year?

Thanks a bunch,


Can someone let me know if the GDL 39 still works now?

Yes it does!;)

Has there been any change as to what data you get since the beginning of the year?

No, Not when using the GDL 39!:p
You need ADS-B OUT to wake up the towers. The FAA changed what counts as ADS-B OUT in January.

No portable device is ADS-B OUT. Without a plane mounted UAT or transponder, you will not get reliable coverage of TIS-B targets (planes without compliant ADS-B OUT on board).

So did the Faa actually make this change in January? If so, basically I would get no or unreliable traffic with a gdl39, but everything else would work? I wonder how many people with adsb in only realize that on Jan of 2016 this change was made.


If all you have is ADS-B IN, nothing has changed. You've never gotten reliable traffic, and will continue to miss most targets that are not ADS-B OUT equipped.

The FAA did make a change in January. This made some experimental planes that had ADS-B OUT and woke up ground stations stop doing so. But this only matters if the plane had ADS-B OUT.

You must have ADS-B OUT to make ADS-B IN traffic work well. That's always been the carrot and stick the FAA has used with ADS-B, and has always been the issue with a portable ADS-B IN solution. They're great for weather, but marginal for traffic. That will change as more people install ADS-B OUT, but that's less than 10% of all aircraft right now.