
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,
I am a volunteer on Fri and Sun for GML2007, I am going to be flying into Bolton field and was wondering if they are having a shuttle or not?
Anyone know? Is Rickenbacker closed the whole day or just during show hrs?
LCK Schedule

I've been trying for two weeks now to get an "Official" answer about the status of Rickerbacker on the Gathering days. I've called the airport managers office twice and left messages, e-mailed the General Aviation Liason listed on the GML website and call the Columbus Airport authority and have gotten nowhere.
I have had hangar space reserved there since April and the FBO says it doesn't know anything. I am going to show up Thursday and land unless the tower tells me the field is closed.
The GML folks have really dropped the ball on communications. I have tow uncles attending as Legends and they had to e-mail and call to see if their stories were even received.
I hope it comes off as better organized than it appears.
From their web site...

Can I fly in to the event?
Due to the extensive flying and aerobatic performances all aircraft are requested to fly into to either Bolton Field or Port Columbus International Airport. Waiverd airspace and TFRs will be in effect at Rickenbacker International Airport all four days from dawn to dusk.
TFR Schedule right from the horses (FAA) mouth

I just went to the FAA website and there is indeed a TFR scheduled for Rickenbacker, for the 28th (Fri) thru 30th (Sun).

7/7772 ZID OH AIR SHOWS/SPORTS Indianapolis Center, Rickenbacker International Airport, Columbus, OH, Friday, September 28, 2007 through Sunday, September 30, 2007 Local

From September 28, 2007 at 1300 UTC (September 28, 2007 at 0900 EDT)
To September 28, 2007 at 2100 UTC (September 28, 2007 at 1700 EDT)
From September 29, 2007 at 1300 UTC (September 29, 2007 at 0900 EDT)
To September 29, 2007 at 2100 UTC (September 29, 2007 at 1700 EDT)
From September 30, 2007 at 1300 UTC (September 30, 2007 at 0900 EDT)
To September 30, 2007 at 2100 UTC (September 30, 2007 at 1700 EDT)
I wonder how this event is going to work. The Mustangs, after landing are to be shut down on the taxi way and towed in to the ramp. I don't see how its possible in any sort of reasonable time frame to tow that many airplanes around. The main photo shoot is supposed to be Thursday afternoon but there is a seminar for the Mustang pilots/owners until 3pm. It will take hours to get them towed out. It going to be interesting for sure, especially with over 2500 volunteers.
I dunno

Hi guys,
I just got off the phone with Capital Jet center at Bolton, they as now they still don't know if a shuttle will be running. But they do plan to have rental cars on site, if the timing works and anyone needs a ride give me a call, I have a car reserved for all day Fri and Sun. My work shifts are 10am till 4pm Fri and 7:15 till 12n on Sunday.
Any time between my shifts I will be happy to give any RVers a ride
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From Rickenbacker Field

I wish you would have contacted me at an earlier date. I cannot speak for the FBOs, they are independent business entities not part of the event only providing some support for certain event requirements.

LCK is waivered from 060 with a TFR in effect begining Thursday morning and in place until after the event. Several NOTAMS will be issued this week.

Sending in a P 51 story will get free box seats it does not make someone a Legend as detailed on the web site. The Legends which were selected are also listed on the web site.

I apologize for any confusion and would be happy to talk to you personally @ 239-908-5114.

Bobbi Thompson
Gathering of Mustangs and Legends
Director of Operations
17040 Pleasure Road
Cape Coral, Florida 33909
239-980-5114 - Cell
239-573-9648 - Fax
Shuttle service

Responding to the first post in this thread about possible shuttle service...

About three weeks ago I emailed and telephoned the airport manager at Bolton asking about shuttle service, as I was told by one of the FBO's that he or someone in his office was working on it.

I did get a return phone call from the airport manager at Bolton but did not get a warm feeling that shuttle service was to be a reality :confused: , so I then called the FBO at Bolton and reserved a rental car.


hope to see some other RVers there.

Talked to the folks at Bolton yesterday and they said the Port Authority killed the shuttle service earlier this week.

I'm going into Circleville, have a car reserved!
I plan on going over to LHQ Friday morning and have someone there to take us to the gathering. Hope to see some of you there!

Bob Kelly
Made it to Rickenbacker..

Well, we made it to LCK this afternoon. Left Dahlonega and flew straight there only to be faced with IFR wx, which my 8 is not equiped to handle, so circled awhile and finally got a break and got it. While about 40 miles south approach said Rickenbacker was closed except for airshow participants and what did I want to do. Thankfully, I had made a hangar reservation at AirNet about 4 months ago and once that was confirmed I was cleared back in and landed to a bunch of surprised marshallers that thought I was the littlest P-51 they had ever seen. Got tucked into the hangar and met my two uncles who flew 51's in the war and we are having a great time now.
It was a blast taxiing in amongst the airshow planes. Love my 8 but it would be neat to have been in a 51...
thanks for the update Widget. i planned on not telling anyone and taking off in the HR2 and just going East; but reality set in. :)

keep us updated.

I acquired a P-51 RC a couple weeks ago. needs a spinner powerplant and about eight or ten servos.
Glad you made it in Widget,
I am crossing my fingers:( but it does not look like I will get out there for my first volunteer shift. The weather in Eastern Pa is looking lousy for the morning.
Go figure it will be beautiful about three hrs later.
Oh well we will see..
What a blast

First day was fantastic. Traffic in was bad and out was a nightmare, but it was worth every minute of it. OUTSTANDING...
More 51's than you can shake a stick at and lots of other WWII iron as well as newer stuff. Great flying all day, great weather and more the next couple days.
Overall, if you have any chance of getting here, do it.
Agree! Fantastic 1st day. I met so many nice people, including many WWII types, willing to share their experiences. Lucked out in having a ride waiting at LHQ (complete with return service when we were finished) so traffic wasn't a problem. Got to tour the replica Memphis Belle which belongs to my wife's cousin. Couldn't believe how cramped it was.

Quote of the day: "All the bare metal of this P-51D Mustang is polished. Look closely into the metal. You can see for whom our veterans fought."

If you can, go soak it all in.

Bob Kelly
One is there!

They have the original prototype there. The latest one is down in front of the Hyatt by request. That's where the Legends are staying. I guess the Governor and Mayor wanted him to land it right on the street. The FAA didn't think that would be such a good idea. I think they said that one has an auto conversion in it. Sorry, I didn't get any pictures.
Dear Bobbi:

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed my time at the Gathering. You and your corp of volunteers did an absolutely fantastic job with the logistics.

This weekend will be one I'll remember forever. Even won a bid at the Legends Auction Friday Night, it was the autorgraphed American Eagles hardcover book.

Had the opportunity to meet with several Legends who were all so very gracious and so very interesting to talk with.

Thanks to you and your team for an event that really paid tribute to American Legends.

Mark Scheuer

I wish you would have contacted me at an earlier date. I cannot speak for the FBOs, they are independent business entities not part of the event only providing some support for certain event requirements.

LCK is waivered from 060 with a TFR in effect begining Thursday morning and in place until after the event. Several NOTAMS will be issued this week.

Sending in a P 51 story will get free box seats it does not make someone a Legend as detailed on the web site. The Legends which were selected are also listed on the web site.

I apologize for any confusion and would be happy to talk to you personally @ 239-908-5114.

Bobbi Thompson
Gathering of Mustangs and Legends
Director of Operations
17040 Pleasure Road
Cape Coral, Florida 33909
239-980-5114 - Cell
239-573-9648 - Fax

Well for me I would say the Gathering was more like a religious experiance than an airshow. To be around that many 51s and Legends makes me get emotional just sitting here thinking about it! I bought me father and I Legends club tickets and we got to meet Bob Hoover, Ernie Bankey, Bud Anderson, Merle Olmstead and many others. It is hard for me to think these guys won't be with us much longer, but I take comfort in the fact that i did my best to personally thank each one of them for their great service to our country. It really reminds you what is truly important.

Here are some photos I took from the event:

two ships

Glacier Girl and Ruff Stuff were both in attendance. Ruff Stuff flew in the demonstrations and I didn't see Glacier Girl fly.
Will GML 2007 really be the "Final Roundup?"

All the literature billed this as "The Final Roundup." But does anyone know if Mr. Lauderback or anyone else has ideas of doing a three-peat? The first one was at Kissimmee in '99, this one was at Columbus in '07...I could see maybe another one in the DFW or Oklahoma area in another 3 or 4 years. Let's hope there is another one...and that it doesn't take eight years.

Honest, I really would like to go see some P-51 paint jobs up close before I paint my RV-7! ;)

Final Roundup

They addressed this at the show. Lee and the other supporters think this will be the last time they can get the veteran pilots together. The youngest of the pilots was 80 and they think this will represent the last time most if not all will be able to attend.
They did say the airplanes will be around for a long time to come.
I had two uncles with me that flew 51ps in the war, one was 86 and the other 90. While both are in excellent shape the odds that they will be around in another 8 to 10 years are getting slimmer.

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