
Well Known Member
I'm building an RV-7a With a IO-360 and AP boost pump. I just got my Fwf kit and the Fuel system plans for the IO engine don't show a gascolater, is that because one isn't needed or what? If one is installed where does it go?


Bill Rambo
Here's what I posted on the [email protected] the other day, fwiw:
dan said:
> through the firewall yet but even though they say you don't need a
> Gascolator with an Airflow pump, I'm inclined to put one in anyway,
> just for the standardization of placement to allow me to go ahead
> and run the line through the firewall now (I don't have the engine
> yet).

A gascolator on a fuel-injected engine is a bad idea imho because of the
pressure drop across it...lowering pressure on the suction side of the
engine-driven fuel pump. That could contribute to a vapor lock scenario
under extreme conditions. The fewer things you SUCK fuel through, the
better. This is the same rationale for putting the fuel flow transducer
where fuel will be PUSHED through it, not SUCKED through it (put it in the
metered fuel line). In my opinion, having both a gascolator *and* a filter
is just asking for it.

Anyway, I recommend against using a gascolator when you have an injected
engine. The AFP pump/filter setup should filter out any particulates, and a
little water (which is unlikely anyway) actually won't hurt much imho in the
case of FI.

Just my 2 cents!
Agree with Dan

Gascolator is not needed or recommended on a fuel injected engine.

In fact, a -6a driver at our airpark had problems with his engine running rough when he pulled the power back to idle. Called AFP and when he told them he had a gascolator they said, "get that thing out of there!". Needless to say he removed it and had no more problems.

You can search the forum for at least a few long and well debated threads.
Thanks for the replies. It is always good to hear of something I DON'T have to buy and install. :)