
Well Known Member
Today was a good news/bad news kinda day. After much research and head scratching I routed my throttle, mixture, carb heat, and FAB bypass control. That was the good. The bad is that my routing through the firewall took up the only sensible place to put the gascolator. I've already searched this site and got lots of opinions about whether it's even needed, and am about as confused as ever. So far I've got fuel lines from tanks to selector to boost pump. No filter except for the tank screens. I seem to recall the install sheet from Facet called for a filter before their pump. Also, the Floscan people say I should have a filter on theirs too. Good grief :confused: .
Gascolator in a 4

Hi Steve,

My RV-4 has 550 hours on it using Flow Ezy 25 micron filters from Aircraft Spruce. No gascolator installed and no problems.

Mitch Garner
N10TH flying
My gascolator is hanging from the center of the bottom most engine mount tube. I made a mount out of alum angle and then used adel clamps to attach it to the tube. Just the drain valve hangs down below the cowling. Takes up 0 firewall real estate. Don't know if that would work for you or not.