
Well Known Member
I need to vent. I'm doing the doubler for the gascolator this morning. Everything is going fine. All my drilled holes were straight, round and in all the right places. I drill out the two #12 holes for the gascolator using the doubler as a guide. I drilled a pilot hole for the 5/8" hole in the center for the fuel line fitting. I start drilling thru the firewall with a unibit, but it looked like the the bit wasn't centered, so I decided to go thru the doubler itself. Well as lined up the bit, the hole seemed a liitle large. Thinking I made the hole bigger when I started thru the firewall, I continued. Luckily I stopped at a
1/4" when I realized a was going thru the #12 hole for the bolt that holds the gascolator. I threw a tantrum that really freaked my dog and my girlfriend, who happened to walk in to my shop at the same time, out. Joe at Vans said not to worry, that I can just drill the gascolator out to 1/4" and use a #4 bolt for this hole or I can just replace the doubler. Replacing the doubler seems a more logical way of doing it, I would hate to damage the gascolator later on. I just get so frustrated because it seems the easy tasks manage to bite me. I'm posting this because while my girlfriend says she understands, only other builders can feel my pain. I did finish and made the 5/8" hole thru the firewall. I just hope everything lines up with the new doubler. Forgive my rambling, I'm going to go drown my sorrows now.
It seems to me that if you have gotten this far in your project before you have encountered the AS's (Awh S@$t's) you are to be congratulated. Most of us have encountered that loooooong before you did! :)
I feel your pain too.....Even though ya "measure twice and cut once"...seems like every now and then....**** happens!
For your pain, you need a --------------


Two oz orange juice

Two oz pineapple juice

Three oz coconut rum-----or clear rum and add coconut syrup

Sprinkle bit on nutmeg on top.