
Well Known Member
I seem to recall from one of the construction blogs (Dog Aviation or Schmetterling ??) that at some point a cushion clamp is added to one of the gascolator mounting bolts. Can't find this in a trawl of drawings. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Apparently easier to install earlier.
I seem to recall from one of the construction blogs (Dog Aviation or Schmetterling ??) that at some point a cushion clamp is added to one of the gascolator mounting bolts. Can't find this in a trawl of drawings. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Apparently easier to install earlier.

Hi Jamesey,

Yes, you are correct .... there is a cushion clamp for the oil tank breather tube that gets installed onto the left mounting bolt for the gascolator (as you are looking at the gascolator straight on). The clamp is a MS21919DG6 that supports the FF-1218 made from .062X3/8 104-0375062 poly tubing that comes with the power plant kit.

Photos at the following link towards the end of the post. http://www.dogaviation.com/2016/05/cooler-box-door-act-ii-mounting-oil-tank.html

Happy building,
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