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Building rv6 tank.. Is it best to modify rib #2 and install a baffeled gate that does its seems better to trap a liquid in an area for use than to let it slosh around??? Anyone??? Buler?? Buler??? Buler??
Building rv6 tank.. Is it best to modify rib #2 and install a baffeled gate that does its seems better to trap a liquid in an area for use than to let it slosh around??? Anyone??? Buler?? Buler??? Buler??

That sounds like the inverted fuel setup. I assume you are not installing a flop tube or that mod would be required. I don't think it would hurt to put in a flap valve in that rib, but the holes aren't that large so I don't know if slosh is a big problem that needs solving.

The flop gate for the second rib is for the flop tube/inverted fuel mod. You don't need the flop gate if your are not installing the tube.
The fuel really does not slosh around I have never felt that in the airplane during maneuvers.
One thing I would recommend is that you cut the corner off the bottom of each rib (not the end ribs) so that fuel can run down the back of the tank and to the fuel pickup tube. You only need to cut about 1/2" off each flange so that it creates a hole in the back when the ribs are butted up against the back tank plate.
Another thing I did was install access plates for each bay on the back tank plate. This way, if you ever have to get into your tank to seal up a leak, you can just pull apart the access plate and get in there and re seal. I pro-sealed all my plates and do not use the cork gaskets. It's more work in the beginning but I've had to pull a tank off before and it was a PITA to get a hole cut in it to gain access to the part that was leaking.
Also, when you drill the small holes in the ribs for the fuel transfer to each bay, make sure you get the hole as close to the bottom of the flange as possible. This to will also get all the fuel to flow into the next bay as the tank draws down. I was able to get all the fuel out of my tanks except for a quart.......not bad and it gives you piece of mind that you can use almost all of your fuel if needed. I hope you never really have that problem.....:eek:
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