
Well Known Member
Folks, some of you know I just bought an RV-6A.

I started looking in March, right as the pandemic was ramping up and shutting things down. I found Gary through an ad posted elsewhere and picked up the phone.

He does inspections, pre-buys and operates as a DAR for experimental aircraft. He took my calls and emails for months, giving me patient advice and suggestions. No idea was too crazy. No question was dumb. He saved me from a number of potential financial disasters - because even when you're aware that you shouldn't be an emotional buyer, you sometimes rationalize things to your detriment. Gary put things in reasonable, rational terms for me.

Aviation is a small world full of interesting, varied, colorful personalities. At all times Gary was friendly, professional and responsive.

I'm sure some of you know Gary. I would strongly encourage those of you who don't - especially if you're in the PacNW - to consider working with Gary if you need those kinds of services - especially if you're new to experimental aircraft and you're looking for a flying model. He's a terrific asset to the community and I can't thank him enough. His email address is [email protected] - give him a call.