
Hello European-RV pilots,

for my Dynon Skyview system I want to install a Garrecht TRX-1500. This receives flarm + Mode-S transponders and Skyview displays the data graphically. According to the guys from very good results are obtained.

Who of you already used a Garrecht TRX-1500, experience? Where and what type of antenna you have installed?

Regards Knut
Hi Knut,

I know of one RV-7 flying here with the TRX-1500 and a Skyview System and they seem to be happy with it, reg. D-EEET. If you wish I can give you a contact address - PM me.
I am flying with a TRX-2000 and the Skyview screens. It is almost the same setup, however the TRX-2000 has an own screen and it also talks to the Skyview. You should be alright with the TRX-1500.
Garrecht TRX-1500. This receives flarm + Mode-S transponders

Plus, receives ADS-B-In and transmits FLARM. Does not however detect Mode-C traffic.

Can output TIS-B on a RS-232 serial connection. And, with their Air-Connect unit, can setup an in-cockpit wifi connection to FLARM-protocol-aware applications on wifi enabled tablets.

I have no affiliation. Just thinking of getting one myself and have spoken with one of their developers who frequents the UK RVSqn forum.
FLARM ADS-B traffic in skyview or external display

Hi, any update on your installation? Did you install the TRX-1500 or the TRX-2000? I am building an RV7A in France and will install a skyview and would like to install a traffic receiver with a maximum of input: FLARM, ADS-B, transpondeur mode C ? What is the best on the market for the moment?

I have no direct experience but I suggest you also take a look at PilotAware . They have a device that can do P3i (their own but open standard), ADS-B, FLARM, Mode S and Mode C but only distance and altitude for the transponders (not azimuth). My impression is that it's less mature than the Garecht unit but it's much cheaper and portable.