Webinar on the 18th of July at 4 CDT that will cover whatever is new.

I don't know whether anything will be announced before that. Usually the webinars are done post announcement.
They will announce a box that does more for less than the box you bought last week, never fails! :D
I know this is sacriledge on this forum, but hopefully it's an STC'ed auto pilot to go with the G5 STC.
I know this is sacriledge on this forum, but hopefully it's an STC'ed auto pilot to go with the G5 STC.

My guess is that it's something like that. This is from the Garmin Aviation team, not the Garmin X team... at least on the facebook notification which has a certified plane in the picture.
Yep. An autopilot option for non-commercial certified aircraft, similar to what is being offered from tru-trak and Trio. My opinion......
My wish is granted! STC'ed auto pilot. GMC507 like the GMC307 for certified birds.

I really like the new ADS-B Out UAT box, the GDL82. Sounds like a really simple installation. $1795 and qualifies for the $500 rebate.
Spruce told me of this product for ADSB out using my GTX327

I read this on 7/12/2017
Any idea what they will announce?

I asked Spruce: I have a GTX327 in an RV9A. Is there an add on device that connects to the back of my GTX327 and will provide ADSB Out?

Spruce replied: "There is unfortunately no unit that plugs right into the back of your unit to provide ADS-B out. Your best bet would be the new Garmin GDL 82 adapter. It's a remote mount box that connects to your transponder via the coax cable and then splices off to the transponder antenna and the WAAS GPS antenna. This unit unfortunately won't be available until the end of next month, but is certainly your best bet to get ADS-B Out compliant. "

Retail is listed at $1800 (apprx). Does anyone know of another brand that does the same thing for much less?
I asked Spruce: I have a GTX327 in an RV9A. Is there an add on device that connects to the back of my GTX327 and will provide ADSB Out?

Spruce replied: "There is unfortunately no unit that plugs right into the back of your unit to provide ADS-B out. Your best bet would be the new Garmin GDL 82 adapter. It's a remote mount box that connects to your transponder via the coax cable and then splices off to the transponder antenna and the WAAS GPS antenna. This unit unfortunately won't be available until the end of next month, but is certainly your best bet to get ADS-B Out compliant. "

Retail is listed at $1800 (apprx). Does anyone know of another brand that does the same thing for much less?
It will be interesting to see if the GDL-82 qualifies for the FAA rebate. If so, that would put the price at $1300. That is about as cheap as I would expect to see anything with the Garmin name on it. There is also the UAvionics. UAvionics is selling it themselves and is also supplying the unit to several other systems such as the GRT ADS-B OUT unit. These will be able to be installed with the Mode C GTX327. The GRT is selling for $1495.00 with $100.00 OSH discount. Puts it at $1395.00 if bought during OSH.
It will be interesting to see if the GDL-82 qualifies for the FAA rebate. If so, that would put the price at $1300. That is about as cheap as I would expect to see anything with the Garmin name on it. There is also the UAvionics. UAvionics is selling it themselves and is also supplying the unit to several other systems such as the GRT ADS-B OUT unit. These will be able to be installed with the Mode C GTX327. The GRT is selling for $1495.00 with $100.00 OSH discount. Puts it at $1395.00 if bought during OSH.

Garmin said it qualifies for the rebate. Probably the easiest solution I have seen to get altitude & squawk from an existing transponder.