
Well Known Member
So I went ahead with the GMA 350 because I might as well have voice control of the GTN….
Anyways, I can’t get the the GMA to acknowledge my voice input. I’ve checked the PTC pin grounds when button is being pushed, serial is also checked (serial data is flowing in the GTN config mode) and GMA Format 2 protocol is in effect.
Also, if the serial didn’t work at all, I don’t think the voice settings would be available in the GTN. So now I’m at loss at why the GMA PTC does not work.

Anyone else ventured down the GMA 350/Telligence path?
Anything else I need to check?
Pretty sure I had the same issue when mine was first installed. You have to hook a laptop up to the audio panel and enable PTC there as well.
Looks like this tools are not available anymore. I didn't know there was USB on the 350. Is it maybe managed from the 650?
Unfortunately you have to visit a dealer because they are the only ones with the software program. Believe it or not the way you hook it up to the computer is through the 3.5mm jack on the front. I was pretty shocked that a audio cable could transfer data.
Looks that way. I’m checking with Garmin, just in case there is something else overlooked in the settings.
I wanted to use the Tellegence feature, but was told that if i do, it eliminates the ability to tune the com and nav via the G3x (have to use the 750XI)---TRUE?
I certainly hope not. Telligence is a separate GTN/GMA thing (serial). Tuning is a G3x/GTN over another serial line.

I’m awaiting answer from Garmin on what’s missing configuration-wise.

I’ll let you know how it goes……
That’s is not true. I have a GMA350C, GTN650xi and G3X, they integrate beautifully. You can tune radios and even nav frequency’s all from the G3X and it will push it to the 650. I was worried that I would loose functionality by not going with a 245 or 245r but I did not. Now it’s true you can’t control the audio panel from the G3X, I still have to use the hard buttons on the 350c, or you can speak the commands that you want it to preform. The only thing that is a negative of this combination is you cannot see if com 1 or 2 is the active com. You physically have to look at the audio panel to see which com is lit up. With an integrated 245 audio panel the active com would have green numbers and the standby com would have white numbers. Both my com 1 and 2 are white numbers.
That’s is not true. I have a GMA350C, GTN650xi and G3X, they integrate beautifully. You can tune radios and even nav frequency’s all from the G3X and it will push it to the 650. I was worried that I would loose functionality by not going with a 245 or 245r but I did not. Now it’s true you can’t control the audio panel from the G3X, I still have to use the hard buttons on the 350c, or you can speak the commands that you want it to preform. The only thing that is a negative of this combination is you cannot see if com 1 or 2 is the active com. You physically have to look at the audio panel to see which com is lit up. With an integrated 245 audio panel the active com would have green numbers and the standby com would have white numbers. Both my com 1 and 2 are white numbers.

Yes. What you describe is exactly what I have, with the exception of the voice commands not being enabled yet. Still haven’t heard back from Garmin. I reached out to all the Garmin dealers in the Houston area, just voice mail so far……

I’m using GMA Format 2 for the seria between GTN and GMA. Is that what you are using?
I haven't had to do this but according to the install manual the setup software is required:

The GMA 350/350H Configuration Tool (006-A0245-XX) and GMA 350/350H Configuration Tool User’s Guide (190-01349-00) are available for download from the Garmin Dealers website. With this configuration tool and a GMA 350 USB cable (320-00672-00), configuration settings can be made to the GMA 350/350H without removing the unit from the panel allowing adjustments to be tested quickly. Examples of configuration settings and adjustments (for a complete list of options refer to the GMA 350/350H Configuration Tool User’s Guide):
• Backlight bus voltage
• Marker sensitivity and max volume
• Audio input gains (max volumes) and muting thresholds
• Music muting options not adjustable by user interface
• Enable/Disable 3D audio (default is enabled)
• Pilot sits in left or right seat (for proper 3D location of ICS audio)
• Programmable input configuration (keyed ICS and Voice Command keys)
That’s what I’m using as well. But like I said before, you need the configuration tool to enable the PTC feature. When I had mine installed the original installer did not enable this. I went to a different installer and watched him hook his laptop to the audio panel through the 3.5mm jack on the front and enabled the PTC feature. After that everything worked as advertised.
Another pirep on how great this system is. Regardless of cockpit noise, I'm able to say "Show Map, Show Weather, Tune Destination" and so on. There many commands and it's really nice to land, taxi off the runway, ask it to tune the ground frequency, flip flop the frequency and ask for taxi to fuel..., all without taking my hand off the controls.
… and now: the conclusion.

Got the software from Garmin and cable from a Garmin supplier.
The discrete (pin 16 and 30) were as expected disabled.
Pretty easy job to enable to PTC for pilot and copilot.
All good know, but my idea of swapping frequencies is not an option for voice control. Loading any frequencies is, as as saying “tune destination CTAF” etc.