
Well Known Member
Garmin Sl40 manual says, ground shielded cables at both ends, ie: radio end and Audio Panel end.
Garmin 240 Audio Panel says to ground shields at 240 end only !

Comments please.

GRT Servo serial wires are not shielded or twisted. GRT says no problem, Tru Trac and Dynon both twist their serial wires, anyone have any interfernce problems.

I am thinking of replacing the roll servo serial wires with a shielded cable so I can run them through the same conduit as the LED shielded Nav light wires and unshielded Halogen Landing lights wires.
Ground shields only at the audio panel to reduce ground loop noise. Run a dedicated wire inside the shielded cable from "audio lo" out to "audio lo" in.

I have a Trio autopilot; instructions were to use a shielded cable but I used twisted multi-conductor instead, so far no problems. I do run the ground return in that bundle.

So I cannot say how noise-immune the autopilot wires will be if not in a twisted pair.