
Well Known Member
I need someone with a Garmin SL40 to test mine. I?m open to either installing my radio in your plane or your radio in my plane. It was working fine until it didn?t. No smoke or smells or nothing like that. One day it worked the next it didn?t.

When I press PTT there is no TX annunciation lighting up, no side tone in the headsets, and I don?t hear anything on my portable radio.

I tested pin #4 on the tray connector which is the comm radio PTT ground to activate and the wiring has continuity and goes to ground when I press either one of the panel mount PTT or my stick PTT buttons.

I also don?t have any audio when I pull out the left knob to open the squelch.

The SoftComm intercom is working fine between headsets.

My IA told me earlier today to check my grounds, which I?ll do tomorrow.

My display is perfect and doesn?t fade or anything else and I can change frequencies and all buttons work when pressed, the radio just doesn?t transmit or receive, like a dummy display model.

Anyone willing to swap radios 5 minutes let me know. I can fly to you or if you fly to my runway I?ll pay your fuel expenses and treat you to lunch or dinner too. *** EVERYBODY who has visited and tasted my girlfriend's cooking can attest that it's worth coming over here !!

Any other ideas on what else I can check until I find someone with a SL40? If anyone has one for sale I might buy it to keep on the shelf as a spare backup.