
Well Known Member
During my prewiring of my radio I noticed that it has a RS232 connection on pin 3,10, and 11. My plane has a PSE8000B audio panel and Dynon D180, D100, HS34, GNS430W. Also has the SL40 as #2 com. Does this connection need to be used? As I understand it it is used for inputting frequency and function control commands and outputting transceiver status. I don't believe that the dynon nor the other systems have a use for it. Am I wrong? Does the Dynon's display or able to dial the freq. for the com's? :mad:
My GRT Horizon 1 EFIS will load frequencies onto the SL40. Tried it to see if it worked once, which it did. Don't remember using it again.
AFAIK only the Dynon Skyview can input/export data to the SL40 but I am not sure. You should ask this question over at the Dynon Forum. They are SUPERB at providing good detailed answers to questions like this.

Just wired an SL-40 into my stack to work with an MGL Challenger EFIS. The MGL EFIS line works with the SL-30/SL-40 radios as well as many other radio interface protocols including the new GNC, GTR interface protocols.
