
Well Known Member
Remember reading this but can't seem to find it!!

I have a problem, when I key the mike in the Rocket the volume of my voice is too loud in the headset. Doesn't seem to be as loud on the ground before take off but is quite annoying in the air. Not sure of the proper name for this adjustment but couldn't find it when I went thru the settings yesterday. Is there a way to turn that down???

Thanks!! Greg
Remember reading this but can't seem to find it!!

I have a problem, when I key the mike in the Rocket the volume of my voice is too loud in the headset. Doesn't seem to be as loud on the ground before take off but is quite annoying in the air. Not sure of the proper name for this adjustment but couldn't find it when I went thru the settings yesterday. Is there a way to turn that down???

Thanks!! Greg

It's called side tone. I don't have the manual handy, but it is adjustable through the configuration setup menu.

Although the volume should be consistent in the air and on the ground. I'm not sure why it would be different.

Here is the sidetone adjustment paragraph from the SL30 Manual:

Sidetone Level Adjustment
The sidetone volume was preset at the factory to a typical audio level. The level can be adjusted using one of the built-in system functions. To adjust the sidetone level:
1. Press SYS, rotate the large knob to the COM Radio Info: page, and press ENT.
2. Rotate the large knob to the Sidetone Level page.
3. Rotate the small knob to adjust the sidetone level. The sidetone level is displayed in a range of 1 to 100, and variable. The sidetone level can be adjusted during transmit.

I found the adjustment and it was on 10 of 0-100.. I couldn't fly today so I set it on "variable" and will see what happens next time. Other than that I guess I could reduce it to 2 or 3 and try that???

Thanks again! Greg

I did set the side tone to variable and there was improvement but still louder than I liked so I set the adjustment to 3 of 100 and also set the mic transmit to mic1. Now it's very acceptable and for now I think I'll leave it...

Thanks for the help!