
Well Known Member
I've run into an issue installing the GSA 28 roll servo stop bracket and was wondering if anyone had come up with a solution. The stop bracket doesn't rest flush against the servo base due to interference with the servo mounting bracket. Reading through some older forum postings it seems that many builders have chosen not to install the stop bracket and rely on the primary aileron travel stops. It's not clear to me at this point in my build where the primary travel limiting system is located.
I was able to install the stop bracket to the roll servo mounted to the servo bracket. The soft aluminum of the stop bracket does conform to the gap created by the servo mount bracket when secured with the mounting screws. I drilled the fourth stop bracket hole through the servo mount. What I observed is the primary stop built into to the inboard aileron hinge bracket limits upward travel of the aileron, but there is no primary stop that I can see for the downward aileron travel other than the stop bracket. In any case, I'm posting this along with a picture link of the final install for interested builders.

DUH....I just realized that, when both wing are installed and aileron actuation connected through the stick, the primary stops at the inboard hinges should limit travel in both up and down deflections of the aileron. I should also note that for my servo install I had to use the outer most cam hole to avoid interference between the bearing fastener and the stop bracket screws in the most forward cam position. Also, the stop bracket overlaps the molex mounting hole slightly, but I was able to file the hole slightly to enable connecting the servo control harnesses.