
I just installed the Garmin roll servo in the wing. The push rod jamb nut hits the servo preventing aileron full travel in the down direction. What am I missing? It seems like the install is exactly like the plans (pg 56-05). Anyone else have the same issue?
From your picture it appears that you have several more threads exposed on the opposite bearing than the one connected to the servo. Consider turning the push rod around or readjust the bearings so that they are at more even depths.

Also, is this wing attached and rigged to the stick? If it isn't fully rigged yet, you may just be going beyond the aileron stops.
I've tried a few combinations of threads exposed and to no avail. Also, the wings are sitting in the cradles not yet installed on the fuselage.
Look at Garmin's installation instructions

I would suggest looking at Garmin's instructions. Also in all your servo installations use AN970-3 washers (as Garmin specs) instead of the Z3 washers Van's calls for.
Also, the wings are sitting in the cradles not yet installed on the fuselage.

Then I suspect you are fine. With the wing in the cradle you only have the aileron stop on one wing in place. The stop on the other wing should come into play before your servo gets into that extreme position.

Measure the upward deflection angle per the plans and then check your servo arm for interference.
is that the most forward hole?

I'm a little fuzzy on the orientation, but I think that might be the most aft hole?
That was my experience as well; with the wing off it seemed to interfere but in reality in full assembly it does not hit the stop at the servo; the opposite wing aileron stop prevents it.