
Well Known Member
Hoping for a reply from G3expert. His account has "conversation" restrictions; understandably so.

Are there mounting orientation limitations for the remote boxes, e.g. audio, xponder, comm? If it's in the respective manuals, I don't see it.

From a "packaging" perspective, mounting these on their long sides (90 longitudinal rotation) would help a lot. Please le me know. Thx
I mounted mine vertically and stacked them against a bulkhead with the cables exiting at the bottom. No problems with remote comm or txp in that orientation.
Are there mounting orientation limitations for the remote boxes, e.g. audio, xponder, comm?
The only remote components in a G3X system that have this type of requirement are the ADAHRS and magnetometer LRUs. Anything else you can mount however you like.
The only remote components in a G3X system that have this type of requirement are the ADAHRS and magnetometer LRUs. Anything else you can mount however you like.
Careful. The subject manuals don't specifically state such that I could find. Reorientation won't affect basic functionality nor would I expect it to affect internal component mechanical integrity; but, I want to make sure the heat rejection would be acceptable. The subject reorientation would subject the higher components to more heat. Enough to affect component life? Probably not but looking for reassurance; from the OEM, would be even better.
I believe my gdr51 XM receiver has a orientation recommendation too, if I remember right.
This would apply for a standalone installation, where you might want to display attitude data on a tablet device for entertainment purposes, but as part of a G3X system you'd never need to do this.
I mounted the remote com and transponder vertically and behind the aft baggage bulkhead. No problems.

The only thing to be aware of is the transponder manual does indicate that the Bluetooth antenna on the remote transponder is behind the “front panel” - ala, the Garmin label. As such if mount it in a fashion where that label isn’t pointed in a fashion to the devices that make use of it you may have problems with reception

In practice I haven’t needed to Bluetooth pair the transponder with anything.
Hoping for a reply from G3expert. His account has "conversation" restrictions; understandably so.

Are there mounting orientation limitations for the remote boxes, e.g. audio, xponder, comm? If it's in the respective manuals, I don't see it.

From a "packaging" perspective, mounting these on their long sides (90 longitudinal rotation) would help a lot. Please le me know. Thx

As mentioned above, orientation is very important for the GMU 11 (Magnetometer) and GSU 25 (ADAHRS). These requirements are recorded in detail in the G3X Touch Installation Manual.

What LRU's specifically are you working with? There are some installation considerations for other units. The GMA 245R audio panel for example has a built in Bluetooth transceiver, so we provide installation guidance to best orient the unit to suit Bluetooth performance. The audio panel will work just fine in any orientation, but Bluetooth performance can be optimized by "pointing" the antenna at the cockpit. This is detailed in the GMA 245R installation manual, in section 2, Installation Overview.


The only remote components in a G3X system that have this type of requirement are the ADAHRS and magnetometer LRUs. Anything else you can mount however you like.
I'm real sure.
You are incorrect.

The GTX45R has a bluetooth antenna, I believe it is under the Garmin sticker. The GMA245R also has bluetooth and best orientation is in the manual. The GDL51R has an orientation arrow, as well.
You are incorrect.

The GTX45R has a bluetooth antenna, I believe it is under the Garmin sticker. The GMA245R also has bluetooth and best orientation is in the manual. The GDL51R has an orientation arrow, as well.
Sorry, I thought it was clear that I was speaking generally about whether the devices would be unable to function in a particular orientation, but you can never assume anything on the internet!
You are incorrect.

The GTX45R has a bluetooth antenna, I believe it is under the Garmin sticker. The GMA245R also has bluetooth and best orientation is in the manual. The GDL51R has an orientation arrow, as well.
I've mounted these in various locations in RV's, including behind bulkheads, and never had any issues with BT connectivity.
So I use the GNX375 bluetooth every flight to download the flight plan, but never use any other bluetooth.

But this forum led me to reconsider bluetoothing my ipad to my audio panel; that would be better than wired i guess for music. Lots of bluetooth options with garmin.