
Legacy Member
I need to start looking for a Garmin x96 GPS. Originally my plan was to purchase a 296 but then I had the chance to play with a 396 and changed my mind. Now that the 496 driven the 396 price down, I was wondering when and if we will see a 596. Which should drive the 396 and 496 prices down.

Will I have to wait until OSH before the next upgrade?

Beyond that, who has the best prices on these things?
I'm betting (hoping) there won't be a 596 this year. I think the one year lifespan of the 396 was a fluke. They usually keep the top model around at least a couple years. Hopefully, this is not an evil ploy by Garmin to get me to trade every year, though it's worked so far :rolleyes:

Keep an eye on Garmin's marine products. They will usually announce/release the marine versions of their products before the aviation products. As far as I know, every aviation portable they sell has a marine counterpart. The hardware appears to be the same on the aviation and marine units and the software is the only difference.

Garmin is releasing a ton of new marine portables in 07. Some of them will even have satellite imagery! This is less practical for us but they have some big, BIG screens they're coming out with. I would not be the least bit surprised if Garmin is planning on using some of this new hardware for the aviation market.

Here's the new marine stuff.