
Well Known Member
I replied to a comment someone had posted about garmin price increases coming in Q1 2023 asking for more information and it’s been crickets. So I figured I’d pitch the question here to see if anyone whatsoever has more information on the price increases, I.e, timeframe, amount (% increase) and if it’s all products. I’d like to make a plan for purchasing my avionics suite and if I can save a few thousand then obviously I would order sooner than later. I searched the web and could not find any documentation of the alleged price increase.
Supplier's guess

I replied to a comment someone had posted about garmin price increases coming in Q1 2023 asking for more information and it’s been crickets. So I figured I’d pitch the question here to see if anyone whatsoever has more information on the price increases, I.e, timeframe, amount (% increase) and if it’s all products. I’d like to make a plan for purchasing my avionics suite and if I can save a few thousand then obviously I would order sooner than later. I searched the web and could not find any documentation of the alleged price increase.


I posed this question to my avionics supplier and they did not have any inside info on when, if, or how much Garmin might increase prices. What they did say was that normally Garmin raises prices on Jan 1 and the supplier guessed it might be 4-8%.

For me, I figure if I planned to order anytime between now and mid-2023, I might as well do it now to avoid a couple thousand dollar increase; this is my plan.

I posed this question to my avionics supplier and they did not have any inside info on when, if, or how much Garmin might increase prices. What they did say was that normally Garmin raises prices on Jan 1 and the supplier guessed it might be 4-8%.

For me, I figure if I planned to order anytime between now and mid-2023, I might as well do it now to avoid a couple thousand dollar increase; this is my plan.

David, thank you for asking that question and posting it here, I appreciate it. I guess it’s one of those rock and hard spot deals since rumors are flying of a G3x refresh/new system. Do I want to get the current avionics and save a couple thousand now or should I wait and order the potential new stuff in a year. It’s an interesting time we live in currently. I won’t need the avionics until about 1-1.5 years from now. So I have a good bit of head scratching to do for about a month.
Thanks again.
David, thank you for asking that question and posting it here, I appreciate it. I guess it’s one of those rock and hard spot deals since rumors are flying of a G3x refresh/new system. Do I want to get the current avionics and save a couple thousand now or should I wait and order the potential new stuff in a year. It’s an interesting time we live in currently. I won’t need the avionics until about 1-1.5 years from now. So I have a good bit of head scratching to do for about a month.
Thanks again.

I believe Garmin bumped prices twice this year. My recollection in working with a couple places is that the price increase in June caught the dealers totally by surprise. The increase before the June one might have been January 1st, but I wasn't watching things closely at that time. Not sure it matters, but the combined price increases on some items were more than the current rate of inflation. The GPS 175 for example went from $4295 at dealers to the current $4895, ~14% more.

However, if you don't need avionics for more than a year, I would still wait. Things may change with a new product release, or you may change your mind on what you want (I did), and...I'm pretty sure Garmin's 2 year warranty starts the day you receive the gear.

Another option would be to split the difference and buy a few items that are less likely to change, like a GPS 175, GNX 375 and autopilot servos, and wait on the GDUs. That is all guesswork on my part, but the IFR navigators are only 3+ years old.
If you've decided on a Garmin system, the things that are unlikely to change, or will at least be compatible with newer displays etc.:
  • Engine sensors
  • GEA24 EIS box and connector kit
  • Autopilot Servos and connector kits
  • Pitot tube
  • ARINC 429 converter and connector kit

Everything else, I would wait.
If you've decided on a Garmin system, the things that are unlikely to change, or will at least be compatible with newer displays etc.:
  • Engine sensors
  • GEA24 EIS box and connector kit
  • Autopilot Servos and connector kits
  • Pitot tube
  • ARINC 429 converter and connector kit

Everything else, I would wait.

But of course, one could argue that the servos are actually a likely changed item within a few years, given the failures that some have seen.
From my experience, Garmin does not indicate price increase very much in advance, maybe a week or so prior.
Excellent information and conversation. I think with all said, I will get most everything, including 375, gtr, pitot, arinc, etc. I’ll leave the dispalys and servos for the final buy in about a year. Should work out. Thanks guys.
But of course, one could argue that the servos are actually a likely changed item within a few years, given the failures that some have seen.

A few years ago there were some SW issues with internal fault monitoring, that’s been a while and was corrected, I’ve not heard of any other problems.
A few years ago there were some SW issues with internal fault monitoring, that’s been a while and was corrected, I’ve not heard of any other problems.

The servo issues are pretty well known by Garmin. They've issued a mandatory SB over it for the certified aircraft, to replace all servos in a SN range. They've also relocated the manufacturing of the servos to stateside, but thus far, they have not yet definitively identified the cause of the servo failures, from what I understand from Garmin. They do remain committed to getting to the bottom of the issues, and so far have been excellent at providing replacements.

NO.: 22016 Rev. A
TO: GSA 28 Owners and Service Centers
DATE: February 7, 2022
SUBJECT: GSA 28 Servo Mod 1
but thus far, they have not yet definitively identified the cause of the servo failures, from what I understand from Garmin.

I'm curious what information you have received from Garmin that would lead to this statement.
I also got a notification from the Oasis Aviation Network about Garmin price increases - in addition to the 5-10% increase they already had earlier this year.
The current worldwide inflation rate is between 6% and 10% (compared to about 1.5% a year ago). I would think that price increases, especially on electronics, are a foregone conclusion.
The current worldwide inflation rate is between 6% and 10% (compared to about 1.5% a year ago). I would think that price increases, especially on electronics, are a foregone conclusion.

Garmin already increased their prices 5-10% this year though - I suspect that low-volume production such as theirs is probably disproportionately affected by some of the challenges we're seeing.