
Well Known Member
The Garmin GTX 23 ES is a great looking transponder--- until you get to the weight, 4.3lbs! Trig's and Dynon's comparable units are under 1 lb.

Fingers crossed for a new lighter model in the near future. Picking up 3 lbs would be a major gain.

Been running Trigg for several years. Changing from the GTX-320A, the encoder, and wiring harness, I saved almost 3 lbs.
Having just gone through this, another issue with the Garmin is that you need enough room to mount the 11 inch box, plus connectors, and another 11 inches of unobstructed space to slide the box out. Finding enough space is a challenge, even in a RV-10. I had to change my plans to mount it somewhere up front and move it to the tailcone, which, because antenna holes where already drilled, caused a cascade of changes. So, be forewarned and plan better than I did.
Yes it is a beast but no other brands will integrate with the G3X like the 23ES, just keep that in mind if you are going G3X.
I'm actually quite happy with the weight and mounted it under the forward deck, as far forward of CG as I could. Some of us running these lightweight props need weight up there;)
Yes, there is certainly no risk of anyone describing our transponders as flimsy. :)

Garmin 250 watt remote mount mode S transponders including the GTX23ES used in experimental aircraft and the GTX33ES used for GX000 aircraft are used in tens of thousands of aircraft, including many jets, and are known for their solid design, performance, and reliability. The machined/cast enclosures are not light, but they certainly enhance the thermal performance of the unit.

Just for the record, below is the weight break-down of the GTX23ES.
GTX23ES transponder: 3.1 lbs
Connector and backshell: 0.4 lbs
Standalone rack (115-00629-00): 0.9 lbs

Many have commented on how pleased they are with the quality of the Garmin connectors and cast metal backshells, but as shown above, they aren't the lightest connectors you can find.

While the rack listed above comes standard with the GTX23ES, there is another available rack (115-00438-00 Modular rack) which weighs 0.4 lbs and saves 0.5 lbs on the installation that some use to install the GTX23ES. Please check with your dealer if you are interested in using the modular rack instead of the standalone rack.

Garmin . .

Can you also allow us to set the 23 transponder code via touch screen 650 too?


This is not possible with the 23ES.

"Not allowed" I would agree, but "not possible"? Aren't all the Garmin devices communicating on the same CAN buss? So what is the "not possible" part? I would like to understand.
"Not allowed" I would agree, but "not possible"? Aren't all the Garmin devices communicating on the same CAN buss? So what is the "not possible" part? I would like to understand.

In the case of the 23ES xponder, they talk to it via one of the RS232 serial links.

The reason it is "not possible" is because Garmin does "not allow" it.

They do not allow the 23ES to be controlled by anything other than the G3X system. This is because the 23ES is specifically marketed to the sport aviation market and not the certified market.

The GTX23ES is sold for a much lower price than the GTX33.

I would venture to guess that the GTX23ES and the GTX33 are really the same box with some tweaks to the firmware.
. . .
The reason it is "not possible" is because Garmin does "not allow" it.

. .

Yeah, that is why the note was to Garmin and not Santa.:D

Since Stein spec'ed the system and I got the simulator, I have been harboring this secret wish they would release that feature. Changing transponder codes via the 650 would be so much easier. At least I think so, since I am not flying yet.

I am sure that they could allow it if they simply triggered it upon seeing a G3X in the system, therefore knowing that it is an experimental installation. After all, the certified 650 is not being controlled by an experimental box. But, software is always simpler in the mind than in the code.

And to the OP, it IS big and was the most awkward piece to position but it got done and is removable.
I have a GTN-750 in my RV7... often feel Garmin is punishing me for buying it. Would like to buy the GTX23ES, Garmin forces us to buy the GTX33ES for compatibility with the GTN-750. Same situation with maps. The Americas Map Bundle subscription for my Aera 796 is $499 yr. The same subscription for my FTN-750 is $1087 yr!

Considering going with another solution all together.