
Well Known Member
Anyone else see this? It happens to be pretty frequently on my iphone 14. I move the little index wheel icon over an airport but it doesn't let me tap on the airport to get runways/wx/freq/etc. The entire right side of the wheel is blank when it should have the airport.

I suspect this is a bug, but don't know if there is something I'm missing.


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Garmin is a little picky as to where you press your finger. It happens to me also. Zoom in a little more then Try to touch the airport instead of the dot that signifies the weather. From the looking at your picture, it seams you are a little left of the airport.
When you press it with your finger, watch the circle menu as it pops up, if the airport icon isn't there, keep your finger on the screen an move it around a little until it appears - the circle menu is dynamic and you can move it around to get what you want.
Yup, knew about both of those tricks. Screwing around with moving the wheel all over the airport at different zoom levels didn’t give me the option. In fact, I spent several minutes trying to get it to work before posting.
Must be an issue with the iPhone 14 - i tried that airport with the VFR charts just like your picture, works perfect on my iPhone 13 (IOS 16.6).
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