BCP Boys

Well Known Member
Once Garmin comes through with some very nice features for the Garmin Pilot on the latest major release, Version 8.5. NICE JOB GARMIN PILOT TEAM ;)
Features like Wight & Balance, Checklist, Advanced Performance Data, Freehand flight planing, and ability to share flight plan, checklists, aircraft and weight & balance information is really great. I'm particularly interested in the last feature, the ability to share information like Checklists, Weight & Balance, and Aircraft information. This means that once one of us builds a "template" for our RV, others can copy that data in to their Pilot app and simply edit it to fit their needs. For example, I started working on a checklist which took me about 30 minutes to fiddle with. I thought to myself, why can I either share my checklist with others that own RV-7 (or 6,8,9,) or even download someone else's checklist that may have a better list than I do. Weight and balance info can also be shared. Garmin has included some baseline templates for popular GA planes like Cessna, Piper, etc. but there are no templates for any RVs.

I have 2 questions around this:

1. Can we have a "sticky" or somewhere with directions on how we can share these templates with other pilots?

2. Is anyone from Garmin Team X (especially the ones who fly RVs) plan to provide any updated templates within the app for RVs? (yes I know I should ask the Garmin forum but I thought I would ask here since these guys are always on this forum :D )
Rv8 weight and balance

Been tinkering with the Garmin new weight and balance, has anyone created a template to share that can be imported from the app similar to options like the Cessna 172?